hello there.. need some help<br>
have some code that i need to work with apache and the mod_rewrite .. my problem is that i'm trying to do it via an .htaccess file, and when i do that, i get an error message in the site log saying that<br>
RewriteEngine not allowed here <br>
RewriteOptions not allowed here<br>
RewriteCond not allowed here<br>
.. and ideas? i compiled 1.3.9 with mod_rewrite in it.. and this is what i get.. any help would be appreciated ..
have some code that i need to work with apache and the mod_rewrite .. my problem is that i'm trying to do it via an .htaccess file, and when i do that, i get an error message in the site log saying that<br>
RewriteEngine not allowed here <br>
RewriteOptions not allowed here<br>
RewriteCond not allowed here<br>
.. and ideas? i compiled 1.3.9 with mod_rewrite in it.. and this is what i get.. any help would be appreciated ..