I've got a site that running on Apache with Mod Perl. I have module that I wrote to do error handling that when there DB errors it present a page letting the person know.
Recently I added some AJAX to the site and pulled in content from a different page. However occasionally when there is a DB error it messes things up because my error pages had status 200. I added code to pass status 500, however now when the system has an error I get my custom error page at the top, and then the Apache default error page at the bottom.
I'm not sure the best way to have the system report a 500 message but use the error page generated by the script.
Recently I added some AJAX to the site and pulled in content from a different page. However occasionally when there is a DB error it messes things up because my error pages had status 200. I added code to pass status 500, however now when the system has an error I get my custom error page at the top, and then the Apache default error page at the bottom.
I'm not sure the best way to have the system report a 500 message but use the error page generated by the script.