I am trying to configure apache 2.0 on Solaris 8 with the built in modssl. However, I am having lots of problems. I am using openssh 3.1 and it it seems to work fine for connecting my PC to the Sun box. I configure apache with ./configure --enable-ssl which configures and exits with code 0 although there are several errors in the configuration.log. Is that normal?? After make and make install I configure httpd.conf and ssl.conf and generate my cert and key concatenated in one file. However, when I run apachectl startssl I get an error referring to line 232 of the vhost.c. I don't even have any vhosts configured so I don't understand where that is coming from. Am I not compiling correctly, configuring correctly, or does apache 2 with ssl not work. I don't see many folks using it. Help!!!!