I tried all the day today but I couldn't see using NTExproler that actually I created a .htaccess file. Is this file is viewable using NTExplorer?
Directory is set to "AllowOverride AuthConfig"...
I read the manual, the FAQ - but with no result.
Actually when I was creating .htaccess file - I typed new password, then retype the Password - and I think the file must be created, because there were no error messages.
Installation directory is default - C:/Program files/Apache group/Apache2/...I'm not sure what file path to type to the .htaccess file - directory where the file must be stored is:/Apache2/passwd/...
Thank you in advance for any help!
I tried all the day today but I couldn't see using NTExproler that actually I created a .htaccess file. Is this file is viewable using NTExplorer?
Directory is set to "AllowOverride AuthConfig"...
I read the manual, the FAQ - but with no result.
Actually when I was creating .htaccess file - I typed new password, then retype the Password - and I think the file must be created, because there were no error messages.
Installation directory is default - C:/Program files/Apache group/Apache2/...I'm not sure what file path to type to the .htaccess file - directory where the file must be stored is:/Apache2/passwd/...
Thank you in advance for any help!