I really don't want to bother the group with what other might find "TRIVIAL" questions, so I was wondering other than MERL or NTP's is there anywhere I can look for normal Day to Day MAC newbie questions? Such as my new one today: I have a user with a 2616 on his desk with a primary Key 0 DN and a rollover. on the other side of the dept. he has a 2008 with key 0 as the same DN as the other but key 3 is a dn I want to keep at that location and remove the rest. so the first thing I want to do is out the phone and build a 500 with voice mail. But How do i out the phone without outing his other one considering he has this dn on both phones as key 0. or how about this? I set up a user with voicemail and he wants it to page him with his VM's. I went itno and set up to page w/10min but It will not page him? any ideas?