as you may or may not of noticed - I lost two days of work on a project when the parent file became corrupted. I managed to output two swfs and two projectors before I lost it - can I import them and salvage my work in anyway ?>
Not that I know of Daz. If it were possible then there probably wouldn't be the need for a forum, because everyone would just steal everyone elses swf's and check the coding and graphics involved.
i've experienced something like that b4. the only thing you could do is import your swf (only, not projetors) into a new fla. note that this could dramatically increase the file size. yes you can do this provided that those swf files were not protected when it was created (ie the protect checkbox was not checked in the flash publish settings). that's the only way. but you could only take back the graphics, not the scripts for they are definitely lost. The best thing you could is try to do it all over again! (note, if your grahics were controlled by scripts, you can say goodbye to them also)
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