Hey!<br>I have just started out in CGI/Perl<br>Anyone wanna help me out?<br>I have already writtern a autorisation script in perl, called from a form, its basic, but i like it <br><br>I would appriciate anyone who is willing to help debugmy scripts when i write them... Its harder when yournot sure what the error messages mean <br>Thanks folks<br> <p>Siberdude<br><a href=mailto:siberdude@settlers.co.uk>siberdude@settlers.co.uk</a><br><a href= - Settlers community site</a><br>16 years old, capable of:<br>
Html, CSS, Javascript, DHTML, Perl, and even a little JAVA<br>
Not that i like to brag
Html, CSS, Javascript, DHTML, Perl, and even a little JAVA<br>
Not that i like to brag