I'm debating which color laser printer to get for our company, and am leaning towards HP but am not sure between the 4550 or the 4600. The 4600 is pretty new, and I can't find much for reviews or replacement parts yet. Anyone have a 4600 that can comment on it? I've had experience with the 4550 before and would like to avoid it if possible. It's a decent printer, but it's slow. How's the quality, speed, reliability of the 4600? How much of a workload does it have?
I'm debating which color laser printer to get for our company, and am leaning towards HP but am not sure between the 4550 or the 4600. The 4600 is pretty new, and I can't find much for reviews or replacement parts yet. Anyone have a 4600 that can comment on it? I've had experience with the 4550 before and would like to avoid it if possible. It's a decent printer, but it's slow. How's the quality, speed, reliability of the 4600? How much of a workload does it have?