Buckweet - Call your Cisco Account Manager or SE and have them release your order... my order had been sitting out there for weeks and within 6 days of calling my account rep I had discs on my desk.
I got my discs on Monday and got around to looking at them today. I'm having problems getting it installed though... the minimum OS requirements are 2000.2.5 with 2000.2.5(sr2) installed. I'm trying to upgrade a test callmanager (running on real MCS hardware) that is currently running CCM 3.3(3) with 2000.2.5(sr7) and it says that I don't meet the minimum requirements.
Make sure your SQL patches are up to date as well. I didn't have any issues upgrading one of my 3.3 servers. I have also installed for a couple customers now and all has gone as expected.
I guess I have been fortunate that I haven't had any issues. Good luck.
To my knowledge Don Proctor has not allowed this version out of controlled release and I can aggree with that decision I know it is real neat to have Video running on a tandeberg but it is very buggy. I would like to see it run on somebody else's enviornment until 4.02 is release 4-6 months from now. Just my two cents...
I am running it. Just upgraded the publisher to a DL380 and the swapout went very, VERY smooth. I am very happy with it so far. The hunt groups are kind of cool too.
It is what it is!!
A+, Net+, I-Net+, Certified Web Master, MCP, MCSA, MCSE, CCNA, CCDA, and few others (I got bored one day)
We have upgraded our system to 4.0 and have deployed it to two customers. So far we have not found any bugs or major issues. I have just recently deployed a 3.3.4 CM and noticed a feature in the release that was added to 3.3.4 and then removed from 4.0, not sure why though. The feature is Client Matter Code and Authorization Codes. Basically allows you to add codes to Route Patterns. I like the Join feature in 4.0 for Conferencing. I heard something about the Voice Mail Port hunting beaing different in 4.0. What are some of the features in 4.0 that your customers have found useful. I like the Join feature for Conferencing. Haven't had much time to look at more features.
The matter & auth. codes are taken out at 4.0 but will apply in at 4.1 Oct time. The above tread mentioed 4.02 any idea why when 4.1 is due out later ?
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