I am interested in taking the 70-270 Exam very soon. I have tons of hands on experience with XP and a large Domain enviroment. I have read the whole Sybex 70-270 Study guide and passed all there questions with ease.
Is there anything else I should focus on to study with?
Exam specific questions:
How many questions?
How many simulated?
Do the multiple choice answer questions say choose 2 or choose 3 or do you just have to really figure out which it wants?
Any certain areas to focus on?
I plan on taking this in the next week or so.
I am interested in taking the 70-270 Exam very soon. I have tons of hands on experience with XP and a large Domain enviroment. I have read the whole Sybex 70-270 Study guide and passed all there questions with ease.
Is there anything else I should focus on to study with?
Exam specific questions:
How many questions?
How many simulated?
Do the multiple choice answer questions say choose 2 or choose 3 or do you just have to really figure out which it wants?
Any certain areas to focus on?
I plan on taking this in the next week or so.