I use geocities and I haven't had any problems with uploading, etc. I just use the file manager thing, which lets you select a few file names to upload, then you hit the upload button and 'ta da' you're done.
The only problem I have found is trying to upload v. large files; the browser sometimes crashes, in which case I ftp onto the site. I think the address is ftp.geocities.com. If you don't know anything about ftp, it works like this:
From the Start/Run thing in Windows...
> ftp ftp.geocities.com
(enter your geocities username / password when prompted).
> pwd
(show you which directory you are in on the geocities box).
> ls
(lists the files in the directory on the geocities box).
> cd <name>
(Changes to the directory <name> on the GEOCITIES machine).
> lcd <name>
(changes to the directory <name> on your LOCAL machine).
> bin
(puts the ftp client into binary mode - always use this for transfering images / apps / anything that isn't just plain text (e.g.: html)).
> ascii
(Puts the ftp client into ascii mode - always use this for transfering plain text files, such as html or flash config files).
> hash
(This toggles the hash printing mode, which is useful on large files as it prints a hash on the screen for each 'x'K that is transfered - so at least you know it's running!)
> put <name>
(Puts the file <name> onto the geocities machine).
> mput <name*>
(Lets you use a wildcard to put multiple files <name*> onto geocities).
> get <name>
(Gets the file <name> from the geocities machine and puts it on your local machine).
> mget <name*>
(Lets you use a wildcard to get multiple files <name*> from the geocities machine).
> quit
So, essentially then, to put the Flash swf file 'my_flash.swf' into the directory 'my_files' on your geocities account from your machine you would do...
ftp ftp.geocities.com
lcd my_files
put my_flash.swf
And that's it!
Hope this is useful... let me know if not and I'll see if I can help further.
yea, i used them just the other day to test my current flash site, it worked fine, just upload your html and swf. what you may want to do when you get your html file there is rename it to index though, they dont like it too much when you make a different html file the homepage!
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