i know about that hehe i've been able to make it play but i want it in fullscreen thats mucho harder i read all i could about mediaplayer method and never found what i want.
no well i read about it but not sure of what it does, ive been able to make it play in a form then maximise the form but the movie stay the same size. If you can explain me better what the displayrect does exactly mayb it will help me. I'm french so i dont get all the words heheh.
I havent used It but I Think you declare a TRect object and then initialize it to the size you want. Perhaps to reflect the size of the form in its maximized state. Then set the DisplayRect property to the TRect object. The visual aspect of the avi image may follow the parameters of the TRect object. Hopefully the default size of the display is just reflecting the parameters of a calculated default TRect object. that is overrode by our object.
Just Guessing.. Just wait for the experts to come online and you will get the correct info.. In the mean time I perhaps have given you some food for thought.
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