He might know of someone nearer to you - and is a very helpful chap!
You need an MCT (Microsoft Certified Trainer) or other evidence of training abilities before Citrix will allow you to attend the CCI course - it's quite tough.
Thanks for the info. I am going to apply for MCT in October when the new MCT calendar starts and then work on the CCI. I know there can't be too many CCIs. I just enjoy teaching and learning something new everyday.
Well, 'tough' can be relative. That being said, becoming a CCI is not all that difficult in my opinion. That WAS the question that started this thread. I was an MCT when I became a CCI almost five years ago, so it was a simple matter. But you don't need to be an MCT if you have another training certification such as the CTT. As far as the Train the Trainer course, you will teach a section of the course and be evaluated and given feedback. The course is relaxed, and for those who like to teach, quite easy. You do have to pay though, so if you are footing the bill yourself, that could be a pain.
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