I am not talking about Spanning tree loop from 1 port to another on the same switch. We have 9 floors with a closet that have Baystack 460/ 470 stacks or 8300’s. The scenario is if you take a Netgear switch (the cheap 4 or 8 port type that people put in their office to run 2-3 PC’s.) and uplink it to your closet stack or switch. Then on the cheap netgear loop a cable from one port to another. It starts flooding the single uplink to your production network with broadcast or multicast BPDU packets. THis happens under desks on occasion. Problem is, you can take down the WHOLE dam network by creating the BPDU storm. What starts happening next is the MLT or SMLT uplinks start disabling because of CP-Limit’s get him. Problem is it likely takes down multiple uplinks to critical stacks or in our case SMLT uplinks to data center 8300’s. Yes, the ports do what they are supposed to but the aftermath is downtime and outage. I know the new 470 BOSS code has the BPDU limit function and I use it but the 8300’s in our closets and data center don’t. We had a bad outage last week again as a result of this.