I had this sweet dual boot 98/2000Pro setup, until I upgraded the CPU. They flashed the BIOS when they installed the new 800mhz (up from 500) CPU, and from that moment forwards, I had a truly unusual problem. I installed a new video card a couple of days later, and at every reboot, I had to reinstall the card, and the drivers. I then noticed that if I edited the registry, after I rebooted, everything was changed back. As the only user, I was always logged in as Admin., and even got info from the Admin at work to verify that I had full permissions, etc. I finally had enough, and fdisked, formatted, and reinstalled the drive. The first install (98) was fine, but I had more errors than usual, and upon reinstalling 2000Pro, I found that I had the same problem. Someone suggested that I nuke it again, but overwrite the MBR, which I did, with the fdisk/mbr command. I've reinstalled 98, and its working perfectly, but I'm afraid to go through the ordeal of installing 2000 again, only to find myself in the same situation. I guess I'll begin tonight. Anyway, as I began, ayone ever heard of anything like this before? Any info would be greatly appreciated! Good day all!