I was just wondering what peoples experience with coding the conditional formatting is like?
My main question is that I have managed to code my criteria for the CF but I am not sure how to set the default settings if any of the Conditions are not met?
Do I just set this as the text box properties rather than as a CF?
Also is there a better way to set my CF rather than what I have done below so that it is more efficient/quicker to run?
My main question is that I have managed to code my criteria for the CF but I am not sure how to set the default settings if any of the Conditions are not met?
Do I just set this as the text box properties rather than as a CF?
Also is there a better way to set my CF rather than what I have done below so that it is more efficient/quicker to run?
Private Sub ApplyCF()
Dim i As Integer
Dim objFrc As FormatCondition
'// ===================================================================================
'// setup CF for person based on Wk1
'// ===================================================================================
Set objFrc = Me.fsbResourceDetails("persName").FormatConditions.Add(acExpression, , "nz([total_TotWk1],0)<" & GetCFWkMin())
Set objFrc = Me.fsbResourceDetails("persName").FormatConditions.Add(acExpression, , "nz([total_TotWk1],0)>" & GetCFWkMax())
With Me.fsbResourceDetails("persName").FormatConditions(0)
.BackColor = 16777164
.ForeColor = 0
.FontBold = True
End With
With Me.fsbResourceDetails("persName").FormatConditions(1)
.BackColor = 255
.ForeColor = 0
.FontBold = True
End With
For i = 1 To 12
'// ===================================================================================
'// setup wk view CF
'// ===================================================================================
Me.fsbResourceDetails.Form("Col" & i & "_W").FormatConditions.Delete
Set objFrc = Me.fsbResourceDetails("Col" & i & "_W").FormatConditions.Add(acExpression, , "nz([total_" & Me.fsbResourceDetails.Form("Col" & i & "_W").ControlSource & "],0)<" & GetCFWkMin())
Set objFrc = Me.fsbResourceDetails("Col" & i & "_W").FormatConditions.Add(acExpression, , "nz([total_" & Me.fsbResourceDetails.Form("Col" & i & "_W").ControlSource & "],0)>" & GetCFWkMax())
With Me.fsbResourceDetails("Col" & i & "_W").FormatConditions(0)
.BackColor = 16777164
.ForeColor = 0
.FontBold = True
End With
With Me.fsbResourceDetails("Col" & i & "_W").FormatConditions(1)
.BackColor = 255
.ForeColor = 0
.FontBold = True
End With
'// ===================================================================================
'// set up day view CF
'// ===================================================================================
Me.fsbResourceDetails.Form("Col" & i & "_D").FormatConditions.Delete
If i = 6 Or i = 12 Then
Set objFrc = Me.fsbResourceDetails("Col" & i & "_D").FormatConditions.Add(acExpression, , "nz([total_" & Me.fsbResourceDetails.Form("Col" & i & "_D").ControlSource & "],0)<" & GetCFWkMin()) '& " AND nz([total_" & Me.fsbResourceDetails.Form("Col" & i & "_D").ControlSource & "],0)>0"
Set objFrc = Me.fsbResourceDetails("Col" & i & "_D").FormatConditions.Add(acExpression, , "nz([total_" & Me.fsbResourceDetails.Form("Col" & i & "_D").ControlSource & "],0)>" & GetCFWkMax())
With Me.fsbResourceDetails("Col" & i & "_D").FormatConditions(0)
.BackColor = 16777164
.ForeColor = 0
.FontBold = True
End With
With Me.fsbResourceDetails("Col" & i & "_D").FormatConditions(1)
.BackColor = 255
.ForeColor = 0
.FontBold = True
End With
Set objFrc = Me.fsbResourceDetails("Col" & i & "_D").FormatConditions.Add(acExpression, , "nz([total_" & Me.fsbResourceDetails.Form("Col" & i & "_D").ControlSource & "],0)<" & GetCFDayMin()) '& " AND nz([total_" & Me.fsbResourceDetails.Form("Col" & i & "_D").ControlSource & "],0)>0"
Set objFrc = Me.fsbResourceDetails("Col" & i & "_D").FormatConditions.Add(acExpression, , "nz([total_" & Me.fsbResourceDetails.Form("Col" & i & "_D").ControlSource & "],0)>" & GetCFDayMax())
With Me.fsbResourceDetails("Col" & i & "_D").FormatConditions(0)
.BackColor = 16777164
.ForeColor = 0
.FontBold = True
End With
With Me.fsbResourceDetails("Col" & i & "_D").FormatConditions(1)
.BackColor = 255
.ForeColor = 0
.FontBold = True
End With
End If
Next i
End Sub