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anyone a ADODB.Connection expert?

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Apr 16, 2002

I am having problems updating SQL Server tables from ASP. I know the SQL side is ok coz I can take the query that the ASP produces and past it into the query analyser signed on with the ASP logon and update my table!!

I have the adovbs.inc and ADODB.Connection.

set ConnODBC = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

ThisServer = Application("SERVER")
ThisUID = Application("UID")
ThisPWD = Application("PWD")

objDBConn= "DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=" & ThisServer & ";UID=" & ThisUID & ";PWD=" &ThisPWD

ConnODBC.Open objDBConn

I suspect there is a problem when I run the query.

rs.Open strSQL, ConnODBC, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText

any thoughts as to what else I can check?
when I try to delete a record i get the error message

ADODB.Recordset error '800a0bb9'

Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.

when i try to insert or amend i don't get any error message the update to the table is not done!!

here is my asp page, grateful for any input


<%Response.Expires = 0%>

<title>City Of Westminster Missed Collection Complaint Types</title>
Dim ConnODBC, objDBConn, rs, strSQL, ThisServer, ThisUID, ThisPWD, ThisDB, RecCnt

set ConnODBC = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Connection&quot;)

ThisServer = Application(&quot;SERVER&quot;)
ThisUID = Application(&quot;UID&quot;)
ThisPWD = Application(&quot;PWD&quot;)

objDBConn= &quot;DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=&quot; & ThisServer & &quot;;UID=&quot; & ThisUID & &quot;;PWD=&quot; &ThisPWD
ConnODBC.Open objDBConn


<!-- #include file= &quot;../include/adovbs.inc&quot; -->
<!-- #include file= &quot;../include/WireLogo.inc&quot; -->
<H1 ALIGN=&quot;center&quot;>Environmental Health<br>
Complaint Type Maintenance - Add Complaint Type Report Code</H1>
Set rs = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Recordset&quot;)
rs.ActiveConnection = ConnODBC

if Request.Form(&quot;txtStatatus&quot;) = &quot;Add/Amend Complaint Report Code&quot; then

strSQL = &quot;SELECT COUNT(*) AS RecCnt FROM tblcomplainttypes &quot; _
& &quot;WHERE ComplaintTypeID = &quot; & Request.Form(&quot;txtID&quot;)
'Response.Write strSQL & &quot;<p>&quot;

rs.Open strSQL, ConnODBC, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText
'response.write rs(&quot;RecCnt&quot;)

if rs(&quot;RecCnt&quot;) = 1 then
'Update query
sqlstr = &quot;UPDATE tblComplaintTypes &quot; _
& &quot;SET ComplaintType = '&quot; & Request.Form(&quot;txtComplaintType&quot;) _
& &quot;', ServiceType = '&quot; & Request.Form(&quot;txtServiceType&quot;) _
& &quot;', ReportFunction = &quot; & Request.Form(&quot;cboReportCode&quot;) _
& &quot; WHERE ComplaintTypeID = &quot; & Request.Form(&quot;txtID&quot;)
elseif rs(&quot;RecCnt&quot;) = 0 then
'insert query
sqlstr = &quot;INSERT INTO tblComplaintTypes &quot; _
& &quot;(ComplaintTypeID, ComplaintType, ServiceType, ReportFunction) &quot; _
& &quot;VALUES (&quot; & Request.Form(&quot;txtID&quot;) _
& &quot;, '&quot; & Request.Form(&quot;txtComplaintType&quot;) _
& &quot;', '&quot; & Request.Form(&quot;txtServiceType&quot;) _
& &quot;', &quot; & Request.Form(&quot;cboReportCode&quot;) & &quot;)&quot;
end if

sqlstr = &quot;DELETE FROM tblComplaintTypes WHERE ComplaintTypeID = &quot; & Request.Form(&quot;txtID&quot;)
end if
Response.Write sqlstr
rs.Open strSQL, ConnODBC, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText

set rs= Nothing
set ConnODBC = Nothing
is this the variable name &quot;txtStatatus&quot; correct and giving the value as &quot;Add/Amend Complaint Report Code&quot;
not to worry i've found the problem, dyslexia strikes again!!!
You are opening the recordset in readonly mode:

rs.Open strSQL, ConnODBC, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText

Try to use this instead:

rs.Open strSQL, ConnODBC, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText

Nope, the problem was dyslexia!!! if you look at the page my sql string for the connection is called sometimes called sqlstr and other times strsql.

I think adLockReadOnly is to do with locking the record whilst updating the table to stop 2 updates at the same time and not opening the recordset in readonly mode.
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