I am having problems updating SQL Server tables from ASP. I know the SQL side is ok coz I can take the query that the ASP produces and past it into the query analyser signed on with the ASP logon and update my table!!
I have the adovbs.inc and ADODB.Connection.
set ConnODBC = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
ThisServer = Application("SERVER"
ThisUID = Application("UID"
ThisPWD = Application("PWD"
objDBConn= "DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=" & ThisServer & ";UID=" & ThisUID & ";PWD=" &ThisPWD
ConnODBC.Open objDBConn
I suspect there is a problem when I run the query.
rs.Open strSQL, ConnODBC, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText
any thoughts as to what else I can check?