Hi all,
All the values are being passed a-ok, and database field names check out great - but I get the syntax error in update when I try to run it. Any ideas are greatly appreciated.
Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
conn.open "DSN=mydsn;"
FOR i = 1 to Session("svRowCount"
SQLstmt = "UPDATE tblDetail "
SQLStmt = SQLstmt & "SET fldPropertyID='" & request.Form("txtDetailID"
& i & "',"
SQLstmt = SQLstmt & "fldDetail=" & Request.Form("txtDetail"
& i
SQLStmt = SQLStmt & " WHERE detailID=" & Request.Form("txtDetailNum"
Set RS = Conn.Execute(SQLStmt)
set rs=nothing
set conn=nothing
%> "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!"
-Adm. James Farragut
All the values are being passed a-ok, and database field names check out great - but I get the syntax error in update when I try to run it. Any ideas are greatly appreciated.
Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
conn.open "DSN=mydsn;"
FOR i = 1 to Session("svRowCount"
SQLstmt = "UPDATE tblDetail "
SQLStmt = SQLstmt & "SET fldPropertyID='" & request.Form("txtDetailID"
SQLstmt = SQLstmt & "fldDetail=" & Request.Form("txtDetail"
SQLStmt = SQLStmt & " WHERE detailID=" & Request.Form("txtDetailNum"
Set RS = Conn.Execute(SQLStmt)
set rs=nothing
set conn=nothing
%> "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!"
-Adm. James Farragut