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Any Vista users here? Printing problems...

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Aug 13, 2003
I've posted this in the factory floor automation area, but I figured I may as well check here as well, seeing that it is geared toward Epicor, the company that makes Vista.

We have an HP LaserJet 1200 and an HP LaserJet 2100 that we use to print some of our reports from Vista (our shop floor data collection program). We've gone to Epicor with no real solution, and I'm wondering if anyone else has run into it and come up with a workaround.

When we go to print our Vista reports, we end up having to push the button on the printer to get the reports to come out. The reports print fine, but the fact that we have to push the button on the printer to tell it to go online is a bit ridiculous. If our users were running one or two reports, I wouldn't mind - but imagine having to push the button for each W2 section (8 total) for each employee (~600).

We don't have problems with these printers in other applications and we don't have to push the button at all. We've tried Windows-based drivers and the latest HP drivers to no avail.

Has anyone run into this before and if so, have you found a workaround for this?

I've already talked to Vista's company - Epicor - and they have no clue how to support HP LaserJets other than the series 4 (although they claim to support all LaserJets). So I hope someone else out there may have run into this and figured a workaround.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

Vista is notorious for never handling the printer functions correctly. All the way through version 4.4.

You did not mention what version you were using, but there are a few things you can try.

Epicor alway's recommends to ya using the HP Laserjet 4M or Plus driver. This sometimes works, but not always, especially on your model.

If you can, try to get and use external Crystal Reports to generate your reports, because the canned Vista Reports do not support printer features like tray changes etc. Their print engine is flawed, but Crystal works fine for all printer drivers supported by Windows.

I would also recommend that you contact and join the support group for that product called the "International Vista User's Group" or IVUG for short. You can find solutions to all your Vista questions there from actual users of the product on all versions.
Let me know what version you are running and I will try a few things here.

S&R Plastics
Ooh! I didn't know about that site. Thanks, Richard!
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