For the purposes of a project I'm working on, I am developing a "lite" (i.e. currently very skimpy - just pulls tag values and attributes - could be expanded upon later) XML parser in Perl and will be porting it to PHP for another project I'm working on. The reason being that it seems all PHP or Perl XML processing is dependent upon expat, which many end users' hosts do not have installed. Additionally, since expat is a binary executable, the users don't have the ability to install it themselves. So, I'm building this little parser (currently functional with under 100 lines of code, including comments) that can be distributed with software and doesn't leave the user out in the cold if they don't have expat.
What I'm wondering is:
a) Am I missing something and wasting my time, are there already some Perl-only/PHP-only XML processors that are independent of expat?
b) Does anyone have any interest in seeing this continued and expanded upon, would it be worthwhile for me to continue to develop it into a more "full-fledged" parser beyond the scope of my current project, would anyone use it or help develop it?
Thanks in advance for your comments.
What I'm wondering is:
a) Am I missing something and wasting my time, are there already some Perl-only/PHP-only XML processors that are independent of expat?
b) Does anyone have any interest in seeing this continued and expanded upon, would it be worthwhile for me to continue to develop it into a more "full-fledged" parser beyond the scope of my current project, would anyone use it or help develop it?
Thanks in advance for your comments.