I've found a fair old collection of odd files in my wife's xp pc. There were a lot of double extension files in the root of c: and in My Documents. All were applications really, some pretending to be rar, some mpeg some html etc. They seemed to be dated every few days. I deleted those and found more in windows \ temp. They are all around 90k and have names like Dvw3 , cp5 , jo3 , zxo4 and so on. There 60 of them dated from 17th dec last year to today. (Ominously)
They are obviously nasty (I looked at one with a text editor. Most was binary but some of the text I could see was 'Mailto' and 'rcpt from'.)
Does anyone know
a) What it is
b) How I can get rid of it.
Thanks in advance. Peter Meachem
peter @
They are obviously nasty (I looked at one with a text editor. Most was binary but some of the text I could see was 'Mailto' and 'rcpt from'.)
Does anyone know
a) What it is
b) How I can get rid of it.
Thanks in advance. Peter Meachem
peter @