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Any experience of epdq with zen cart

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Jan 23, 2007
i am integrating barclays epdq into zen cart, and all seems to work fine until I wont to pass anything up using hidden fields.

I contacted barclays and been through their notes and they say this is the right way of stopping teh delivery address from showing, as I dont need it as I only require the billing address, which is also giving me a headache.

So within this piece of code:

$process_button_string = zen_draw_hidden_field('oid', $new_order_id) .
zen_draw_hidden_field('returnurl',MODULE_PAYMENT_EPDQ_FORM_RETURNURL) .
$strEPDQ .
zen_draw_hidden_field('merchantdisplayname', MODULE_PAYMENT_EPDQ_FORM_VENDOR_NAME) .
							   zen_draw_hidden_field('collectdeliveryaddress', 0);							   

return $process_button_string;

Im trying to tell collectdeliveryaddress to equal zero, but im not getting naything at all on th epayment page to indicate this is working.

The other issue is me trying to get the billing address field populated automatically by pushing values up using zen values pushed into epdg variables, again I couldnt get this to work, so i tried to hand code the say first line address as follows:

zen_draw_hidden_field('baddr1',  '2 Swallow Drive');

and again nothing, but I think that is wrong, so could somebody help me out with with both problems, and maybe firstly help me push that address up manually, using the correct syntax.


Sorry guys, got one bit sorted:

zen_draw_hidden_field('collectdeliveryaddress', '0');

forgot to put inverted commas around the value 0. That now works a treat, its a similar problem with now trying ot force address values up, but they dont work for some reason. Thats now my main problem.
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