Hi All,
It's been many years since I have been here!
So, when I ride my bike I want to be able to extract power data from the ride and overlay this data on videos I record on my GoPro. Here are the issues:
* The ride data includes power data from my power meter
* When exporting data, it is a GPX file, saple below
* As you can see from the xml in the GPX file, the power data has been stripped
* If I export a TCX file this is richer and includes power data, see below GPX file
* The problem is that I cannot use the TCX file to overlay data onto video in the Garmin VIRB video editing software as it only allows GPX files
* So, what I want is to introduce the power data into the GPX file somehow, maybe through a transformation using a different schema
* As a pointer I found this XSD file named in the TCX file that does include power data in:
So could the issue be that Garmin needs to get involved to create the new schema that allows a conversion of the <Watts> tag into <ns3
ower> in a new version of GPX extension?
Do techie cyclists with Garmin action cams have the same issue as GoPro 5 people?
Thanks for your help!
GPX sample
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<gpx creator="StravaGPX" version="1.1" xmlns=" xmlns:xsi=" xsi:schemaLocation=" xmlns:gpxtpx=" xmlns:gpxx=" <metadata>
<name>The trolls have awoken, and they are hungry...</name>
<trkpt lat="51.6335750" lon="-0.3978080">
TCX sample
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xsi:schemaLocation=" xmlns:ns5=" xmlns:ns3=" xmlns:ns2=" xmlns=" xmlns:xsi=" xmlns:ns4=" <Activities>
<Activity Sport="Biking">
<Lap StartTime="2017-04-22T11:01:04.000Z">
It's been many years since I have been here!
So, when I ride my bike I want to be able to extract power data from the ride and overlay this data on videos I record on my GoPro. Here are the issues:
* The ride data includes power data from my power meter
* When exporting data, it is a GPX file, saple below
* As you can see from the xml in the GPX file, the power data has been stripped
* If I export a TCX file this is richer and includes power data, see below GPX file
* The problem is that I cannot use the TCX file to overlay data onto video in the Garmin VIRB video editing software as it only allows GPX files
* So, what I want is to introduce the power data into the GPX file somehow, maybe through a transformation using a different schema
* As a pointer I found this XSD file named in the TCX file that does include power data in:
So could the issue be that Garmin needs to get involved to create the new schema that allows a conversion of the <Watts> tag into <ns3
Do techie cyclists with Garmin action cams have the same issue as GoPro 5 people?
Thanks for your help!
GPX sample
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<gpx creator="StravaGPX" version="1.1" xmlns=" xmlns:xsi=" xsi:schemaLocation=" xmlns:gpxtpx=" xmlns:gpxx=" <metadata>
<name>The trolls have awoken, and they are hungry...</name>
<trkpt lat="51.6335750" lon="-0.3978080">
TCX sample
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xsi:schemaLocation=" xmlns:ns5=" xmlns:ns3=" xmlns:ns2=" xmlns=" xmlns:xsi=" xmlns:ns4=" <Activities>
<Activity Sport="Biking">
<Lap StartTime="2017-04-22T11:01:04.000Z">