I was wondering if anyone uses Antigen as I can't find much support forums and the support desk dosen't support writing more then basic content filtering queries.
Does anyone know of any forums for this product? Anyone know how to write a content filter using serveral operators?
For example I want to find different keywords that are and are not within so many of a certain keyword. So far I can only write it so either all the keywords are within the other keyword or they are not within the other keyword. Any direction would be helpful.
I was wondering if anyone uses Antigen as I can't find much support forums and the support desk dosen't support writing more then basic content filtering queries.
Does anyone know of any forums for this product? Anyone know how to write a content filter using serveral operators?
For example I want to find different keywords that are and are not within so many of a certain keyword. So far I can only write it so either all the keywords are within the other keyword or they are not within the other keyword. Any direction would be helpful.