Technical User
I posted earlier with a Q re. an anit-frame button. Now I have a popup window with a button that will break the frame within my site. But if the main window (as opposed to the navigation window) is displaying a page outside my site, the button does not work, and I get an error - Permission denied. Here is the code : <br><br><HTML><br><HEAD><br><TITLE>Frame release</TITLE><br><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><br><!-- Hide the JavaScript from older browsers<br>function escape()<br>{<br> var win_a=window.opener;<br> var new_url=win_a.location;<br> document.writeln(new_url);<br> win_a.parent.location=new_url<br> close();<br>}<br><br>function bye()<br>{<br> close();<br>}<br> <br>// End hiding of script --><br></SCRIPT><br></HEAD><br><br><BODY><br><H3 ALIGN="center">Want to leave the Leather Hyman frame?<br><FORM OnSubmit="return false;"><br><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Yes" OnClick="escape();"><br><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="No" OnClick="bye();"><br></FORM><br></H3><br><A HREF="#" OnClick="escape();return false;" RETURN=false>Test</A><br><br></BODY><br><br></HTML>