I try to run ant with the AspectJ compiler ant receive the following error:
A class needed by class org.aspetj.tools.ant.taskdefs.Ajc10 cannot be found org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs/MatchingTask
I include the files ant.jar and aspectjtools.jar in the classpath of my build.xml.
The class MatchingTask is included within ant.jar.
It doesn't work anyway.
Therefore I would appreciate any help, also because I've tried all possibilities for solution.
Thanks, Roland
I try to run ant with the AspectJ compiler ant receive the following error:
A class needed by class org.aspetj.tools.ant.taskdefs.Ajc10 cannot be found org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs/MatchingTask
I include the files ant.jar and aspectjtools.jar in the classpath of my build.xml.
The class MatchingTask is included within ant.jar.
It doesn't work anyway.
Therefore I would appreciate any help, also because I've tried all possibilities for solution.
Thanks, Roland