1. Network drive mapped, and eventually worked. For unexplained reason it stopped working a few hours later. Since it had failed and couldn't seemingly be reconnected, the drive was 'disconnected' in the right-click menu, but annoyingly re-appears each time the machine is rebooted even though that remote machine is no longer connected. Other than manually removing entries from the Registry, what other method should be used to clear this unwanted mapping which of course continually shows a red cross against it now?
2. On the same machine the 'sync center' decided to suddenly action itself without the user having knowingly asked for it! Again, despite the fact that the remote machine is no longer attached to the network, 'sync center' tries to connect. Cannot find any way to kill this process. It doesn't appear to show in MSCONFIG, and I cannot liken it to any named Windows Service. Any clues?
2. On the same machine the 'sync center' decided to suddenly action itself without the user having knowingly asked for it! Again, despite the fact that the remote machine is no longer attached to the network, 'sync center' tries to connect. Cannot find any way to kill this process. It doesn't appear to show in MSCONFIG, and I cannot liken it to any named Windows Service. Any clues?