Been looking for an example, as my attempt is causing error, but all the docs I find only show how to read from "form" not write to "form" for selected items in a listbox object.
My code to read is this:
and this writes to the two database tables fine (both table also contain loc_id => autonumber and ldx_id = > autonumber respectively). The code that is erroring is:
where the commented out code is where the error occurs. Know it is a simple "get the syntax or methods right" situation, but not finding an example has me bent.
Would appreciate all help, especially now!!
Oh! Code for the query is:
Been looking for an example, as my attempt is causing error, but all the docs I find only show how to read from "form" not write to "form" for selected items in a listbox object.
My code to read is this:
Sub LOC_sav()
Dim Wspace As dao.Workspace, dbs As dao.Database, rsDEST As dao.Recordset
Dim ctlSource As Control, strItems As String, iCRow As Integer
Dim SQLstmt As String, SrcIdx As Variant, Action, LOGusr
Set Wspace = DBEngine.Workspaces(0)
Set dbs = CurrentDb
DoCmd.Hourglass True
DoCmd.Hourglass False
SrcIdx = DLookup("loc_id", "tblDATloc", "[loc_id]=" & Targetform![cboxABV])
If SrcIdx > 0 Then
SQLstmt = "SELECT * FROM tblDATloc WHERE ([loc_id]=" & Targetform![cboxABV] & ");"
Action = "EDIT"
SQLstmt = "SELECT * FROM tblDATloc;"
Action = "ADD"
End If
Set rsDEST = dbs.OpenRecordset(SQLstmt, dbOpenDynaset)
With rsDEST
If Action = "ADD" Then
![loc_aid] = Form_frmASMmain![tboxLID]
![loc_adt] = Now
End If
![loc_ad1] = Targetform![tboxAD1]
![loc_ad2] = Targetform![tboxAD2]
![loc_cty] = Targetform![tboxCTY]
![loc_tmx] = Targetform![cboxTMT]
![loc_tcx] = Targetform![cboxTPR]
![loc_smx] = Targetform![cboxPSP]
![loc_scx] = Targetform![cboxSHP]
![loc_nam] = Targetform![tboxLDS]
![loc_zip] = Targetform![tboxZIP]
If Targetform![cboxABV].Visible = True Then
![loc_abv] = DLookup("loc_abv", "tblDATloc", "[loc_id]=" & Targetform![cboxABV])
![loc_abv] = Targetform![tboxABV]
End If
![loc_stt] = Targetform![cboxSTT]
![loc_ctr] = Targetform![cboxCTR]
End With
SrcIdx = DLookup("ldx_id", "qrySETloc", "[loc_id]=" & Targetform![cboxABV])
If SrcIdx > 0 Then
SQLstmt = "SELECT * FROM tblDATl_idx WHERE ([ldx_id]=" & SrcIdx & ");"
Action = "EDIT"
SQLstmt = "SELECT * FROM tblDATl_idx;"
Action = "ADD"
End If
Set rsDEST = dbs.OpenRecordset(SQLstmt, dbOpenDynaset)
With rsDEST
Set ctlSource = Targetform![lboxLTY]
For iCRow = 0 To ctlSource.ListCount - 1
If ctlSource.Selected(iCRow) Then
If Action = "ADD" Then
![ldx_aid] = Form_frmASMmain![tboxLID]
![ldx_adt] = Now
End If
![ldx_ldx] = Targetform![cboxABV]
![ldx_tdx] = ctlSource.Column(0, iCRow)
![ldx_eid] = Form_frmASMmain![tboxLID]
![ldx_edt] = Now
End If
Next iCRow
Set ctlSource = Nothing
End With
Set rsDEST = Nothing
Set dbs = Nothing
Set Wspace = Nothing
DoCmd.Hourglass False
End Sub
Sub LOC_get()
Dim Wspace As dao.Workspace, dbs As dao.Database, rsDEST As dao.Recordset
Dim SQLstmt As String, SrcIdx As Variant, N
Set Wspace = DBEngine.Workspaces(0)
Set dbs = CurrentDb
DoCmd.Hourglass True
DoCmd.Hourglass False
SQLstmt = "SELECT * FROM qrySETloc WHERE ([loc_id]=" & Targetform![cboxABV] & ");"
Set rsDEST = dbs.OpenRecordset(SQLstmt, dbOpenDynaset)
With rsDEST
Targetform![tboxABV] = ![loc_abv] ' Location Abbrev.
If ![loc_tmx] > 0 Then
Targetform![cboxTMT] = ![loc_tmx] ' Location Trans Method
End If
If ![loc_tcx] > 0 Then
Targetform![cboxTPR] = ![loc_tcx] ' Location Transporter
End If
If ![loc_smx] > 0 Then
Targetform![cboxPSP] = ![loc_smx] ' Location Ship Method
End If
If ![loc_scx] > 0 Then
Targetform![cboxSHP] = ![loc_scx] ' Location Shipper
End If
Targetform![cboxSTT] = ![loc_stt] ' Location State
Targetform![cboxCTR] = ![loc_ctr] ' Location Country
Targetform![tboxAD1] = ![loc_ad1] ' Location Address Line 1
Targetform![tboxAD2] = ![loc_ad2] ' Location Address Line 2
Targetform![tboxCTY] = ![loc_cty] ' Location City
Targetform![tboxLDS] = ![loc_nam] ' Location Description
Targetform![tboxZIP] = ![loc_zip] ' Location Zip Code
' For N = 1 To .RecordCount
' Targetform![lboxLTY].ItemData (![ldx_tdx]) ' Location Type (Multiple)
' .MoveNext
' Next N
End With
Set rsDEST = Nothing
Set dbs = Nothing
Set Wspace = Nothing
DoCmd.Hourglass False
End Sub
Would appreciate all help, especially now!!
Oh! Code for the query is:
SELECT DISTINCT tblDATloc.loc_id, tblDATloc.loc_abv, tblDATloc.loc_nam, tblDATltype.lty_typ, tblDATltype.lty_des, tblDATloc.loc_ad1, tblDATloc.loc_ad2, tblDATloc.loc_cty, tblDATloc.loc_stt, tblDATloc.loc_zip, tblDATloc.loc_ctr, tblDATl_idx.ldx_id, tblDATl_idx.ldx_tdx, tblDATloc.loc_tmx, tblDATloc.loc_smx, tblDATloc.loc_tcx, tblDATloc.loc_scx
FROM ((((((tblDATloc LEFT JOIN tblDATltype ON tblDATloc.loc_typ = tblDATltype.lty_id) LEFT JOIN tblDATl_idx ON tblDATloc.loc_id = tblDATl_idx.ldx_ldx) LEFT JOIN tblDATltype AS tblDATltype_1 ON tblDATl_idx.ldx_tdx = tblDATltype_1.lty_id) LEFT JOIN tblDATtmeth ON tblDATloc.loc_tmx = tblDATtmeth.tmt_id) LEFT JOIN tblDATtmeth AS tblDATtmeth_1 ON tblDATloc.loc_smx = tblDATtmeth_1.tmt_id) LEFT JOIN tblDATtrans ON tblDATloc.loc_tcx = tblDATtrans.trs_id) LEFT JOIN tblDATtrans AS tblDATtrans_1 ON tblDATloc.loc_scx = tblDATtrans_1.trs_id;