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Another question :) Getting data back from the display

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Mar 13, 2000
I am in the process of printing some data to the screen in Assembly. Basically what I am doing is making a happy face slowly run accross the screen. The problem with this is that it deletes the text that was there before the happy face was so I end up with a black line on the screen. How would I go about getting the character that was displayed before I erase it so I could print it back to the screen when I am done?

Below you will find my program:

.model small
.stack 100h
drive proc
call clear ;clears the entire screen
call move ;Moves the smile around on the screen!
mov ax,4C00h
int 21h
drive endp

clear proc
mov ax,0b800h
mov ds,ax
mov ax, 0FDBh ;WHITE BLOCK character on a black backgroubd

mov [bx],ax ;Places blank character onthe screen
add bx,2 ;Moves over one loaction
cmp bx,0FA0h ;Checks to see if we are at the end of the display
jl next ;if we aren't at the end keep moving
clear endp

move proc
mov ax,0B800h ;The start of the display
mov ds,ax
mov ax,02001h ;AH=Blank character AL=:)
mov bx,0A00h ;BX points the the leftmost possition
***I want to get the character from the screen here
mov [bx],al ;Draws a smile on the loaction
call delay
***I want to write the old character to the screen now
add bx,2
cmp bx,0AA0h
jl again
move endp

delay proc
mov cx,070h
dec cx
jl done
mov dx,0
inc dx
jne inner
jmp outer
delay endp
end drive

Thanks for your help
Hi SmileeTiger,

From what I gather from your code, you are writing directly to screen memory. So to get the already-displayed character, simply read from that particular memory location and store it in a variable before printing the smiley to the screen.

Hope that helps.
Actually that's what I want to do but I am not sure how to do it :p

I will try to modify it for you below:

oldchar db ?

move proc
mov ax,0B800h ;The start of the display
mov ds,ax
mov bx,0A00h ;BX points the the leftmost possition
mov al, [bx]
mov oldchar, al
mov ax, 2001h
mov [bx],al ;Draws a smile on the loaction
call delay
mov al, oldchar
mov [bx], al
add bx,2
cmp bx,0AA0h
jl again
move endp

I hope the above helps. :))
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