Chris Miller
Her's the continuation of
Using low level file operations on the dbf file instead of SCATTER/GATHER.
1. Even faster, as it doesn't touch cdx or fpt, any usual updates of indexes and memo file by scatter are avoided.
2. The readonly nature of autoinc fields is overcome
3. No index violations occur.
Needs exclusive dbf access just like the usual PACK
1. Needs a final REINDX so the index tags become valid again - I plan to replace this by low level cdx file operations as mainly only the recno of shifted records has to change in the current index trees and nodes about now truncated non-existing records have to be removed completely.
2. Does not pack the fpt file. I could simply claim that's off my goal for this PACK alternative, but in the snes of tha pack alternative working on the existing files instead of creating new files, this could also be addressed.
Using low level file operations on the dbf file instead of SCATTER/GATHER.
1. Even faster, as it doesn't touch cdx or fpt, any usual updates of indexes and memo file by scatter are avoided.
2. The readonly nature of autoinc fields is overcome
3. No index violations occur.
Needs exclusive dbf access just like the usual PACK
1. Needs a final REINDX so the index tags become valid again - I plan to replace this by low level cdx file operations as mainly only the recno of shifted records has to change in the current index trees and nodes about now truncated non-existing records have to be removed completely.
2. Does not pack the fpt file. I could simply claim that's off my goal for this PACK alternative, but in the snes of tha pack alternative working on the existing files instead of creating new files, this could also be addressed.
Lparameters tcDBF
Local lcDeleted, lcAlias
lcDeleted = Set("Deleted")
lcAlias = Alias()
If Pcount()=0
tcDBF = Dbf()
Local lnFile, lnLastByte
lnFile = Fopen(tcDBF,12)
If lnFile<0
* ? "can't pack DBF"
Local lcSuffix, lnFirstDeleted, lnLastUndeleted
lcSuffix = Sys(2015)
Local lcAliasIsDeleted, lcAliasUnDeleted, lcRecord
lcAliasIsDeleted = 'Deleted'+lcSuffix
lcAliasUnDeleted = 'UnDeleted'+lcSuffix
Set Deleted Off
* Use the passed in DBF file twice for two record pointers on deleted and undeleted records
Create Cursor recordmoves (nSource I, nDest I)
Use (tcDBF) In Select(lcAliasIsDeleted) Exclusive Alias (lcAliasIsDeleted)
Use (tcDBF) In Select(lcAliasUnDeleted) Exclusive Again Alias (lcAliasUnDeleted)
tcDBF = Dbf(lcAliasUnDeleted)
Erase (Getenv("TEMP")+"\IsDeleted.idx")
Erase (Getenv("TEMP")+"\UnDeleted.idx")
Select (lcAliasIsDeleted)
Index On Recno() To (Getenv("TEMP")+"\IsDeleted.idx") For Deleted() Additive
lnFirstDeleted = Recno()
Select (lcAliasUnDeleted)
Index On RECCOUNT()-Recno() To (Getenv("TEMP")+"\UnDeleted.idx") For Not Deleted() Additive
lnLastUndeleted = Recno()
Local lnHeader, lnRecsize
lnHeader = Header()
lnRecsize = Recsize()
* While the first deleted record is before the last undeleted records, move that undeleted record to fill the gap:
Do While lnFirstDeleted<lnLastUndeleted And ;
Not Deleted(lcAliasUnDeleted) And Deleted(lcAliasIsDeleted) And ;
Not Eof(lcAliasUnDeleted) And Not Eof(lcAliasIsDeleted)
Insert Into recordmoves (nSource, nDest) Values (lnLastUndeleted-1, lnFirstDeleted-1)
Skip 1 In (lcAliasIsDeleted)
lnFirstDeleted = Recno(lcAliasIsDeleted)
Skip 1 In (lcAliasUnDeleted)
lnLastUndeleted = max(Recno(lcAliasUnDeleted),recordmoves.nDest+1)
Set Order To 0
Set Index To
Use In Select(lcAliasIsDeleted)
Use In Select(lcAliasUnDeleted)
Set Deleted &lcDeleted
Select 0
Erase (Getenv("TEMP")+"\IsDeleted.idx")
Erase (Getenv("TEMP")+"\UnDeleted.idx")
lnLastByte = lnHeader+lnLastUndeleted*lnRecsize+1
? lnLastUndeleted, lnLastByte
* process dbf with low level file operations
lnFile = Fopen(tcDBF,2)
SELECT recordmoves
* copy undeleted row with scatter/gather
? Fseek(lnFile, lnHeader+nSource*lnRecsize)
Store Fread(lnFile,lnRecsize) To lcRecord
? Fseek(lnFile, lnHeader+nDest*lnRecsize)
? Fwrite(lnFile,lcRecord,lnRecsize)
* change reccount in DBF header offset 4:
Fseek(lnFile, 4)
Fwrite(lnFile, Chr(Bitand(lnLastUndeleted,0xff)),1)
lnLastUndeleted = Bitrshift(lnLastUndeleted,8)
Fwrite(lnFile, Chr(Bitand(lnLastUndeleted,0xff)),1)
lnLastUndeleted = Bitrshift(lnLastUndeleted,8)
Fwrite(lnFile, Chr(Bitand(lnLastUndeleted,0xff)),1)
lnLastUndeleted = Bitrshift(lnLastUndeleted,8)
Fwrite(lnFile, Chr(Bitand(lnLastUndeleted,0xff)),1)
* change byte after last undeleted record to EOF (1A)
Fseek(lnFile, lnLastByte)
Fwrite(lnFile, Chr(0x1A),1)
* truncate file
Fchsize(lnFile, lnLastByte)
Use (tcDBF) Exclusive Again Alias (lcAliasUnDeleted)
Use (tcDBF) Shared Again Alias (lcAlias)
If Not lcAlias=="" And Used(lcAlias)
Select (lcAlias)