I used to know a little about VB Script... I must have had a knock on the head or something?!?
I want to run a script depending on computer name. I have a bunch of machines I do not want it to run on when a user logs on. Basically:
Dim obj
Set obj = CreateObject("Wscript.Network")
If obj.ComputerName = "this", "that" or "me" Then
'do nothing
<I have some code to go here>
So the problem I have is the "this", "that" or "me", how to check multiple computer names...
I know one of you guys will come back straight away with what I need.
I used to know a little about VB Script... I must have had a knock on the head or something?!?
I want to run a script depending on computer name. I have a bunch of machines I do not want it to run on when a user logs on. Basically:
Dim obj
Set obj = CreateObject("Wscript.Network")
If obj.ComputerName = "this", "that" or "me" Then
'do nothing
<I have some code to go here>
So the problem I have is the "this", "that" or "me", how to check multiple computer names...
I know one of you guys will come back straight away with what I need.