I'm another new Linux convert. I have taken a couple of existing FAT16 partitions on one of my hard drives and repartitioned them into one 4 gig drive using fdisk. I did not format the new logical drive.
When I run the install for Red Hat 7.0 I am able to select this drive as the location for my root, but when I click OK I seem to get the Linux equivalent of the "blue screen of death". I am presented with a series of errors on a screen before my machine gets automatically re-booted. Does anyone know of a simple solution without me having to capture these errors and submit them to the bug fix web site?
When I run the install for Red Hat 7.0 I am able to select this drive as the location for my root, but when I click OK I seem to get the Linux equivalent of the "blue screen of death". I am presented with a series of errors on a screen before my machine gets automatically re-booted. Does anyone know of a simple solution without me having to capture these errors and submit them to the bug fix web site?