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another cell in a table being the target for a link

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Nov 1, 2002
When I use frames I can target a page where I want the links to open, however, I cannot figure out how to do this with tables.... I have a two column setup. The links are in one column, and I want them to open in the other column, how can I do this?

you cant!

you can either set up iframes in the tables (check out for the iframe extension) or you can use layers with hide/show and use includes (your server must offer SSI or a scripting language that you can use). If I am wrong I would love to learn how to link to tables. [soapbox]
sleep is good
I can't understand the difference between the frame and iframe, other than the way they are setup; but they still do the exact same thing (right?)... I guess I'm not seeing (if any) the advantages of using iframe over frame....

Currently I'm using frames, but I don't like how it has to load 2 pages, plus I just don't like it that much in general (seems ancient).... With iframes if I want to have a sidebar with links and then open them up in the same window, i still have to do it like frames and assign it for it to open in the other page (so using iframes it still has to load 2pages?), right?


If you are linking to a new page it has to open in a window however you don't need to use frames or Iframes to do that. You can just open a new second window.

Suppose your frameset frames are menu.htm and text.htm. Instead of launching the frameset, launch menu.htm and you will see the effect.

HTH Clive
I think he is talking about a page with a table on the left and right, and he wants to targe the links in one table to the other...this is not possible like i said earlier

you could use frames and Includes (Does your server have SSI or any scripting language that you could use)

The basic premise is you would have a layer over your left table (actually hidden) with the following line in it

<!--#include virtual=&quot;/filename.htm&quot; -->

so if your layer is 300px wide with the name &quot;layerfilename&quot; then your page &quot;filename.htm&quot; should be builtat 300px wide

now how you would use this would be lets say you have a link that says &quot;click here for filename.htm&quot;

put this in your head

<script language=&quot;JavaScript&quot; type=&quot;text/JavaScript&quot;>

function MM_showHideLayers() { //v6.0
var i,p,v,obj,args=MM_showHideLayers.arguments;
for (i=0; i<(args.length-2); i+=3) if ((obj=MM_findObj(args))!=null) { v=args[i+2];
if (obj.style) { obj=obj.style; v=(v=='show')?'visible':(v=='hide')?'hidden':v; }
obj.visibility=v; }

then for your link

<a href=&quot;javascript:;&quot; onClick=&quot;MM_showHideLayers('layerfilename','','show')&quot;>contact

this would work

So you basically need a layer with an include built in for all the links you would want opened (This is the simplest way) [Hammer]
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