Hi all,
I am using 'COleDispatchDriver::CreateDispatch(REFCLSID clsid, COleException* pError = NULL)' to automate an application, my clsid is correct and 'CreateDispatch()' fails and give me the 'CO_E_NOTINITIALIZED ($800401F0)' error in 'pError->m_sc', ¿How can I fix this error?.
Thanks in advance,
William G.S.
I am using 'COleDispatchDriver::CreateDispatch(REFCLSID clsid, COleException* pError = NULL)' to automate an application, my clsid is correct and 'CreateDispatch()' fails and give me the 'CO_E_NOTINITIALIZED ($800401F0)' error in 'pError->m_sc', ¿How can I fix this error?.
Thanks in advance,
William G.S.