Hi folks just wondering if you could offer some helpful pointers!
i have 3 PCs connected to a 2wire wireless broaband router via Belkin USB wireless adapters both using wireless standered G, i decided to forgoe the belkin software included becuase its rubbish IMO and my users all ready have enough to worry about, the devices connect OK through the windows system, connection is excellent and sending about 48 bits (max speed is 52 so thats not bad is it?!)
now in this remote site i have no access to the machines at all, none only the good old telephone, and frankly thats no good cos my users are not very clued up on the technology (tb im stll learning too!)
every now and again the wireless connection just dissapears and i have to go through the rigmarall of connecting it back up. any reasons why it is being dropped? or is it just standered suggestions like interference. should i attempt to switch channels as well and see if i can get a 100% reception on another.
Thanks in advance!
i have 3 PCs connected to a 2wire wireless broaband router via Belkin USB wireless adapters both using wireless standered G, i decided to forgoe the belkin software included becuase its rubbish IMO and my users all ready have enough to worry about, the devices connect OK through the windows system, connection is excellent and sending about 48 bits (max speed is 52 so thats not bad is it?!)
now in this remote site i have no access to the machines at all, none only the good old telephone, and frankly thats no good cos my users are not very clued up on the technology (tb im stll learning too!)
every now and again the wireless connection just dissapears and i have to go through the rigmarall of connecting it back up. any reasons why it is being dropped? or is it just standered suggestions like interference. should i attempt to switch channels as well and see if i can get a 100% reception on another.
Thanks in advance!