I searched high, and low, for a solution (even in thread940-1487751)with no solution. Then, I ran across this article, which got me on the right track.
We don't have each and every user, allowed to have their own bridge; so my "Test Variable" had to be a PIN setup, not mailbox, or extension. We did set up varConfPass## and some short codes to pass to the various bridges. This worked great, but only gave the beep, when someone joins. Building on this feature, I added "Voice Question", if the user entered the correct PIN; then passed the name recording to "Whisper", which announces them, finishing with "Transfer. IT WORKS GREAT!
So: Start Point>Next>menuConference[TimeOut,Invalid,0,{bridge ID's},{Change PIN menu}]>GetConfPass##{$}(or:Transfer to Reception,InvalidReturn,menuSetConfPIN)>Test varConfPass##{True,False}>False=InvalidReturn;True=>AskName>Whisper>TransBridge##
* GetConfPass## has "Early Prompts" tab: "EnterBridgeID.wav" & $KEY --- "Touch Tones" tab: $
* Test varConfPass## has "Specific" tab: If True, return VarConfPass## (## = Bridge ID) & ...matches the value below {SKEY} & "Results" tab : True=>"AskName",False=InvalidReturn
* AskName "Specific" tab: Prompt=VoiceQuestion.wav & Record=2sec & Send to mailbox (shortcode of Bridge)
* Whisper "Specific" tab: Play Recording is checked, Play Recording to = Shortcode of Bridge, Prompts played before=joiningcall.wav & AutoAccept is checked (this is crucial)
* tranBridge## is the transfer to the bridge.
This works VERY well. The caller dials the Conference Center, enters the Bridge ID & PIN, is promoted, and states their name, and is put on Hold, while the Bridge users hear the Whisper of "Now joining the call" & the caller's recorded name; a beep; and the caller enters the bridge (having never heard the announcement).
Happy testing! Good luck.
We don't have each and every user, allowed to have their own bridge; so my "Test Variable" had to be a PIN setup, not mailbox, or extension. We did set up varConfPass## and some short codes to pass to the various bridges. This worked great, but only gave the beep, when someone joins. Building on this feature, I added "Voice Question", if the user entered the correct PIN; then passed the name recording to "Whisper", which announces them, finishing with "Transfer. IT WORKS GREAT!
So: Start Point>Next>menuConference[TimeOut,Invalid,0,{bridge ID's},{Change PIN menu}]>GetConfPass##{$}(or:Transfer to Reception,InvalidReturn,menuSetConfPIN)>Test varConfPass##{True,False}>False=InvalidReturn;True=>AskName>Whisper>TransBridge##
* GetConfPass## has "Early Prompts" tab: "EnterBridgeID.wav" & $KEY --- "Touch Tones" tab: $
* Test varConfPass## has "Specific" tab: If True, return VarConfPass## (## = Bridge ID) & ...matches the value below {SKEY} & "Results" tab : True=>"AskName",False=InvalidReturn
* AskName "Specific" tab: Prompt=VoiceQuestion.wav & Record=2sec & Send to mailbox (shortcode of Bridge)
* Whisper "Specific" tab: Play Recording is checked, Play Recording to = Shortcode of Bridge, Prompts played before=joiningcall.wav & AutoAccept is checked (this is crucial)
* tranBridge## is the transfer to the bridge.
This works VERY well. The caller dials the Conference Center, enters the Bridge ID & PIN, is promoted, and states their name, and is put on Hold, while the Bridge users hear the Whisper of "Now joining the call" & the caller's recorded name; a beep; and the caller enters the bridge (having never heard the announcement).
Happy testing! Good luck.