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Sep 20, 2000
Can sound as a "out of place" question.

Not to me. In the last few years, I see how we, try, against all, to still survive with our clipper apps working. Becouse of restrictions version after version more strictly, of the world's first OS manufacturer.

I hate restrictions, and love free programming. So, "open source comunity" is a great concept.

Dream: (as an example) "A Harbour project app (the Fivewin open source version site), running under Linux".

Of course, we must open our minds. And more difficult: open the mind of our customers.

Is it possible. ? Is there any software available, to reach the traditional clipper apps results and perfomance ?

I should like to learn through your points of view, and your knowledge.
Thanks to all.

Is anyone there ? It's simple. In the same way we time after time have to change our car, or our house we have to change programming. Isn't Linux a great idea ??
Thanks to all.
I don't think so. I think the open source code is a great idea, but, I didn't like linux. Well, that is my personal opinion. I like Microsoft and Apple. (From an OS point of view)....

Sure I would love to see a clipper open source, but, why should it be on GNU or Linux, why not on something nicer...

Let us know what you guys think..

I have to agree with GAstrada...Linux is a good solution for our legacy Clipper code. Flagship has worked great for me in the past.

Redmond is not going to give a DOS shell in the future. Where else can we turn but to open source and Linux?
Who so turns as I this evening...
Turn to God to praise and pray.
While Jove's planet rises yonder
Silent over Africa

Thanks to A great English poet.

Now for plagurism....

Who so turns as I against Microsoft
Turn to XBASE++ to praise and pray
That our CLIPPER code will easily convert
With help from XPRESS++ and Roger Donnay


Thanks, Wildcard, you gave me a great enjoying instant. Your poetry is powerfull, and significant..... for this moment of the life.

but you still relay in Redmond software. I'm thinking in something different, independence. free source and programming.

Anyway, maybe God is anywhere over Africa. or the World.

Thanks again , good luck !
My friends, I know that there are anywhere , tools for migrating Clipper to Win32 apps. xbase++, dbase2000, Fivewin, Clip4win, Harbour projects, and more.

The concept is other: independence. Our programs must run where we want, and when we want. Not looking as the "best seller OS", and wandering if it will run.

Agree with me that all the soft I've said, is only for THAT os.

Stay thinking 10 seconds. It's another concept.

I point to this concept. That's the reason for why I'm thinking in Linux and his behavoir. Open source may be the key.

Thanks to any suggestion.
I've been a bit worried about Redmond....

So I checked my atlas...
Sure enough. Redmond is in Virginia, USA

So I checked the word 'Virginia' in the dictionary...
and it said "shortname is 'virgin' but not for long!"

So anyhoo...
If we want a long-term solution we have to think as
GAstrada suggests and come up with an open platform
solution that will/may force the OS developers back
to our way of thinking!

Good point you raise GAstrada



Visit this site:-

I am not happy about application software being
legislated to be FREE and OPEN SOURCE. We all rely
on our intellectual property for our income, people.

I am keen for an OPEN SOURCE OPERATING SYSTEM, which
would stop the stranglehold from Microsoft!!!

GOOD POINT Wildcard arised in the last message !!
He sure is ponting to operating systems, like me.

WE ALL NEED YOURS POINT OF VIEW, guys. We need, please !!
Imagine there is no Redmond,
Imagine if you can,
Imagine there is only open source,
Imagine if you can,
Imagine there is no powerfull people making with us they want...

I agree with you, open source is a good idea, but tell me
Astrada, Independence?? Are you sure??, surely they will
give you independence in anyway buy they are now inventing
another way to make you an slave, that is the business, that
is the way they make much and much money everyday.
Sorry for my pesimism.
Thanks, Lennon, for your graceful response !!

Your concepts pointed me to the epoch's point of view. (don't ask me why).

As a Medical doctor (my first university diploma), y think...
Pasteur's family is not getting any money for every vaccine is innoculated elsewhere. But Pasteur was the genious that for the first time used it in the XIX century.
Christian Barnard's family (Christian unfortunately died few days ago), as long as I know, is not getting any money for any heart trans-plant the world is doing.
Bayer introduced the Aspirina (acetyl-salicidic-acid), many years ago. But now, many countries are making their own "aspirina", (at low cost, without paying nothing to Bayer), becouse acetyl-salicidic-acid, is a WORLD chemical formula, that every laboratory can make. They know them as "generic formula". Bayer couldn't make any about this.

As a musician, I own an Alesis's synthetyzer master keyboard, from which I play the music that I want, and in the way that I want... but have to go to the Alesis (California silycon valley) web pages to get the last OS for my instrument. (When I want another effects for cathedral organ music, for example).

That wasn't in that way in the Beethoven era. The last version of the piano, as we now know it, was made in the early XIX century. I Don't remember who made it, but the behavoir of THIS piano remains nearly unchanged until this days. Beethoven was the first genious to obtain great results with the "new" piano (hear his piano and orchestra concerts).
Not Beethoven, nor Schuman, nor Chopin, nor ..... many, were never concerned about money to pay to the manufacturer of the last version of the piano. ANOTHER TIMES ?? Perhaps.

In that years, you only had to open the upper table of the piano, and look how all the wood - metal - wool pieces worked.

In fact, Paganini "programed" his violin to make some chord to brake in a concert, and still playing. Of course, this was for show his "vistuosism".

Now we can't open a chip. Or access his software.

Perhaps that make the difference. But from the bussiness point of view. Not the concepts of a programmer.

I agree, we live because of our programs. But Operating System shouldn't restrict your needs. They shoud be OPEN SOURCE, to let us make what we want.

Think: you make a function that works nice in your mind and in your programming tool. Then you run it and an error occurs. You must be in your right to debug if the problem is your program, or the OS. OK ?

I'm wandering if John Lennon performed "Imagine" in a real piano, or in a keyboard. Think he used a real piano.

Hope he did.

Thanks, Lennon.
I remember all of you that the name GNU / LINUX isn't casual. And I've used that real name in this forum.

Linus Torvalds wrote the "nucleus" of the linux OS., but, GNU ( the majority of the functions of linux ), were written by some guys from Masachusetts Institute of Technnologies (MIT), in which Richard Stallman was an impressive figure. They hate the restriction of that years (middle 80's), and wrote they'r own language.

See you .......
Think open source OS has a fasten way of growth that "black box" operating systems. It's easy to understand: a comunity is behind them.
Think Linux is, as of September 2001, a "techically" superior OS than Windows. We need apps for it. To show all his potential behavoir.

Correct my answer: Linux is, as September 2001 a "TECHNICAL" superior OS than Windows (whatever version), (not "techically", as I posted formerly)
sorry. Linux doesn't have dead blue horror screens announcing errors.
See you, guys.
Seems, (for the poor interest of this thread) that nobody realizes the massive "extending-around" behavoir of Linux.
In meanwhile time (few years) and in geography involved. Mainly in servers.
Think. Linux offers all of we want. Overall, stability and connectivity.
I (and many of us are) interested in the futere of our bussiness. I agree with you respect the main point of this disccussion: we are linked to the OS and we are not free to develop in other ways but those marked by the people that makes the OS.

Linux is a great choice and most of us undestand its benefits and potencials, but still arises a problem (at least in Mexico) the marketing of Windows is impressive, the majority of people (I´m talking about the people that take decisions, the people that paids the bill) only knows Windows and when you start talking about Linux and its wonders, they say "ok, but we can't rely on something that it supportd by... who? the community, what community? mmm... but it is compatible with windows... isn´t?"

Finally, every one of us needs to spend time and money to learn and to develop new skills in order to keep ourselves in bussiness. In my case, I'm walking on the route of xBase ++, because the popularity of windows, but also I began to learn how to get the most out of Linux, and how I can make use of all my experience of many years as a programmer, in this new environment. I can't bet on only one choice, that is, I can't put all my resources only on the WinIntel plattaform, that's was happend with Clipper, I put all my efforts on it, I make good money with it, but now it's time is over, so, I need at least two ways to go, and be ready to take on every opportunity.

I think that many of the Clipper programmers are interested in Linux (its concept, the GNU and the like) but most are scary about of spend resources, and they don't have a clear idea about the return of its investement.

Well, your point is clear: we cannot depend on 3rd parties to do our bussiness. Ok, so whats next? Enroll on the Harbour project and help the community to make a Linux version of the clipper languaje?

What do you thing my friends?
Thanks mxPavel. Your response was plenty of knowledge. Specially your final reflextion: Harbour and Linux ? who knows. A GREAT IDEA !!! Surely we are in a problem. Me, in Uruguay (South America), can't depend on 3 party librarys, Now they live, tomorow ???? Our customers (our bussines world), are in windows. they love it.

... but a dos shell will dye soon. If Redmond's software house refuse to maintain it.

Best regards. And we all need our's friends point of view!!!!
Thanks mxPavel. Your response was plenty of knowledge. Specially your final reflextion: Harbour and Linux ? who knows. A GREAT IDEA !!! Surely we are in a problem. Me, in Uruguay (South America), can't depend on 3 party lybrarys, Now they live, tomorow ???? Our customers (our bussines world), are in windows. they love it.

... but a dos shell will dye soon. If Redmond's software house refuse to maintain it.

Best regards. And we all need our's friends point of view!!!!
Please try and you will forget the difference !!!

Works better in Linux, of course, specially for the Web developemente, a MUST in this days !!
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