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AND/OR formula

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Nov 12, 2003
This is returning a null dataset. I know it should return one at least as I have a record that contains FD and F1. What is wrong with the formula? In my dataset I need all history categories D and where there is also 0 or 1 or 2 etc.
HELP! ;-)

{CR_HISTORY.HistoryType_Ref} = 'F' and
{CR_HISTORY.HistoryCategory_Ref} = 'D' and
{CR_HISTORY.HistoryCategory_Ref} = '0 or 1 or 2 or 3'
{CR_HISTORY.HistoryCategory_Ref} = '0 or 1 or 2 or 3'

This is testing for a text string equal to the everything between the quotes.

Assuming this is a Selection formula then you can change it to:
{CR_HISTORY.HistoryCategory_Ref} in [0,1,2,3]
if the field is alphanumeric then
{CR_HISTORY.HistoryType_Ref} = 'F'
{CR_HISTORY.HistoryCategory_Ref} in ['D', '0','1','2','3']

Thanks. I have tried

{CR_HISTORY.HistoryType_Ref} = 'F'
{CR_HISTORY.HistoryCategory_Ref} in ['D', '0','1','2','3'] and I still only get the D records returned. I do not get the record that has D and 0.
HistoryCategory_Ref is coded as 0-9 and A-Z. I want to be able to show for all those client records where history insert 'D' is record. where any other HistoryCaregory is recorded also. The HistoryCategory field is a string.
How long is the string 1 char? 2,3 ?

what I need is a sample data e.g.

field1 field2

based on what you wrote

I still only get the D records returned. I do not get the record that has D and 0.

my understanding was that there were more than on char on your field. (D and 0)

as I asked before, could you please give a sample of the data.

yes i want the report to show me where history category matched D for definate and any others ie 0-9A-Z.
Please give a sample of your data rather than continuosly trying to describe it, it would be far easier to see your problem.

Gary Parker
MIS Data Analyst
Manchester, England
Client_Ref HistoryType HistoryCategory DateStart
ZIMAS00 F 6 8-Jul-04
ZIMAS00 F 5 8-Jul-04
ZIMAN00 F 8 25-Feb-05
ZIMAN00 F 7 27-Jan-05
ZIMAN00 F 7 13-Dec-04
ZIMAN00 F 7 19-Oct-04
ZIMAN00 F 7 1-Oct-04
ZIMAN00 F 7 7-Oct-04
ZAKIN00 F S 23-Apr-04
YU__C00 F H 3-Aug-04
YOUNT05 F 8 9-Dec-02
YOUNN01 F 0 23-Jan-03
YOUNK03 F S 1-Jul-02
YOUNJ19 F J 25-Nov-02
YOUNJ19 F U 25-Nov-02
YOUNJ19 F W 25-Nov-02
YOU_L00 F B 1-Sep-01
YORKT00 F B 1-Sep-01
YORKS00 F B 1-Sep-01
YIP_H00 F B 3-Feb-03
AINDJ00 F D 14-Aug-05
AINDJ00 F 0 15-Aug-05
Do you happen to have a group selection formula on date? That could account for not seeing subsequent records. If not, show your record selection formula so we can see what is happening.

no there is no group selection in the report.

I used to select all the F Type Histories:

{CR_HISTORY.HistoryType_Ref} = "F" and
{CR_HISTORY.HistoryCategory_Ref} = "D"

I then tried the 2 selections below to get the report to show those records where D and another is recorded:

{CR_HISTORY.HistoryType_Ref} = 'F' and
{CR_HISTORY.HistoryCategory_Ref} = "D" and
{CR_HISTORY.HistoryCategory_Ref} In ['0' or '1'or '2'or '3']

{CR_HISTORY.HistoryType_Ref} = 'F' and
{CR_HISTORY.HistoryCategory_Ref} = "D" and
{CR_HISTORY.HistoryCategory_Ref} In ['0','1','2','3']
it seem to me that there might be excess data on your fields


{CR_HISTORY.HistoryType_Ref} = 'F'
trim({CR_HISTORY.HistoryCategory_Ref}) in ['D', '0','1','2','3']

using your sample then the formula provided above should work

{CR_HISTORY.HistoryType_Ref} = 'F' and
{CR_HISTORY.HistoryCategory_Ref} in ['D','0','1','2','3']

or the long winded way is

{CR_HISTORY.HistoryType_Ref} = 'F' and
({CR_HISTORY.HistoryCategory_Ref} = 'D' or
{CR_HISTORY.HistoryCategory_Ref} = '0' or
{CR_HISTORY.HistoryCategory_Ref} = '1' or
{CR_HISTORY.HistoryCategory_Ref} = '2' or
{CR_HISTORY.HistoryCategory_Ref} = '3')


Gary Parker
MIS Data Analyst
Manchester, England
Many Thanks for all your help. It hasnt given me exactly what I want but I can use the data from the result set. ;-)
Again, assuming this is a record selection formula, the answer you were given before :

{CR_HISTORY.HistoryType_Ref} = 'F' and
{CR_HISTORY.HistoryCategory_Ref} in ['D', '0','1','2','3']

should select the last 2 rows from your sample list.

But I suspect that what you are really asking is more complicated.
Those of us trying to answer your question would regard each line of your sample data as a record. I am now thinking that is not what you mean.
I suspect you are using the term 'record' to mean 'all rows for the same client-ref' - is that correct?
So do you mean you want to see Client-ref records only if Type = 'F' and there is at least one record with Category 'D' and at least one record with category 0-5 for that client?
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