I know this is probably simple but Im having a bit of a brain freeze today. I have a report listing drugs that a patient is on. What I need to find is a listing off all patients that had a combination of Plavix and any other drug. Im trying to use the select expert but am unsure of the best way to write this formula. Any help would be appreciated.
I know this is probably simple but Im having a bit of a brain freeze today. I have a report listing drugs that a patient is on. What I need to find is a listing off all patients that had a combination of Plavix and any other drug. Im trying to use the select expert but am unsure of the best way to write this formula. Any help would be appreciated.
SELECT DISTINCT `tblAC`.`Date Filled`, `tblAC`.`DOB`, `tblAC`.`Drug Name`, `tblAC`.`Med Rec #`, `tblAC`.`Pat Phone`, `tblAC`.`Patient Name`
FROM `tblAC` `tblAC`
ORDER BY `tblAC`.`Patient Name`