I am trying to fill a table with a file location that is linked to a pdf file. the following code is what i'm using, but i can't seem to get the correct format. can anyone please help?
thank you,
<table border="1">
<% do until rs.eof%>
<tr><td width="159" height="41"><div align="center">
'here is where my problem begins...
<a href= <% response.Write rs("location") %>><% Response.Write RS("firstname") %></a>
<td width="10" height="41"><div align="center">
<% Response.Write RS("lastname") %>
<td width="55" height="41"><div align="center">
<% Response.Write RS("age") %>
<% rs.movenext
loop %>
thank you,
<table border="1">
<% do until rs.eof%>
<tr><td width="159" height="41"><div align="center">
'here is where my problem begins...
<a href= <% response.Write rs("location") %>><% Response.Write RS("firstname") %></a>
<td width="10" height="41"><div align="center">
<% Response.Write RS("lastname") %>
<td width="55" height="41"><div align="center">
<% Response.Write RS("age") %>
<% rs.movenext
loop %>