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Analysis against budgets/targets - Multiple 'Groups' / Activities

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Oct 1, 2003
Hi all,

I am running CR9/ SQL 2000, and have a budget/ target related report which I am totally unsure about where to start - so if someone can sugest an alternative to the following I'd appreciate it. The deal is:

I have three groups of management types - AD, MC and PC/C each refers to a job title (AD= Assistant Director), etc.

Against each of these personnel are a set of yearly targets against specific 'chargeable' activities - Delivery; Proposal;Diagnostic/Start-Up; Learning. Basic reporting (sorting, grouping) on this data is ok, and I have used an Lbass tech-hint previously in reporting one set of budget/ target data against a singular 'group', in a single report. My confusion is - would the best course of action be to treat each of these reports (personnel/ roles) as individual reports or try to find a way to get one report to cover all three Roles/target activities (or am I being too hopeful). I have been testing DataLink Viewer (briefly), but not familair with it enough yet to know for sure whether this would be the solution I am looking for?

Thanks in advance
I think you would have to tell us about your tables (how they are linked) and fields you are using, and provide a sample of your desired report structure. Have you attempted this and run into obstacles? If so, what?

This should be a function of who needs the information (and how).

If the users need the ability to select roles as a parameter and see the information for those roles, then you need a single report.

If each user needs only one of the three roles, than splitting this to 3 different reports may make sense.

By the way, I don't see the connection between your question and DataLink Viewer. Are you planning to use the Dynamic/Cascading Parameter pick list functionality to allow the user to select a role and then select the people within that role?

- Ido

CUT, Visual CUT, and DataLink Viewer:
view, e-mail, export, burst, distribute, and schedule Crystal Reports.
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