How can I stop this error, here is my code and there error occurs where i have decimal.TryParse(....
class EstCalc
static void Variables (string[] args)
decimal bl; //blank length
decimal bw; //blank width
decimal bp; //blank perifery
decimal pd; //part depth
decimal dq; //die quantity
decimal.TryParse(quantityTB.Text, out dq);
decimal dl; //die length
decimal dw; //die width
decimal ds; //die shut height
decimal d; //density
decimal.TryParse(densityTB.Text, out d);
class EstCalc
static void Variables (string[] args)
decimal bl; //blank length
decimal bw; //blank width
decimal bp; //blank perifery
decimal pd; //part depth
decimal dq; //die quantity
decimal.TryParse(quantityTB.Text, out dq);
decimal dl; //die length
decimal dw; //die width
decimal ds; //die shut height
decimal d; //density
decimal.TryParse(densityTB.Text, out d);