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An communication error occurred. Printing will be stopped

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Sep 12, 2005
I am trying to print my report directly from the asp page rather than display the report. When I use IsDisplayPage = true the report appears and the printer dialog box is prompted as well. When I change .IsDisplayPage to = false to hide the viewer, the report does not appear and the printer dialog box appears but when I click Print I get

An communication error occurred. Printing will be stopped

Here is the viewer properties:
With Session("crReportViewer")
.ReportSource = reportDocument.ReportSource
.IsOwnForm = True
.IsOwnPage = True
.PrintMode = 1
.IsDisplayGroupTree = False
.HasCrystalLogo = False
.HasPageNavigationButtons = True
.HasExportButton = True
.HasRefreshButton = True
.HasSearchButton = True
.HasPrintButton = True
.HasGotoPageButton = True
.HasToggleGroupTreeButton = True
.HasViewList = False
.EnableParameterPrompt = False
.EnableLogonPrompt = False
.IsSeparatePages = True
.IsDisplayToolbar = True
.IsEnableDrillDown = False
.ReuseParameterValuesOnRefresh = True
.IsDisplayPage = false

End With
When we had a similar problem, support recommended that we call the viewer on a separate asp page:

So we use,

'Declare the viewer object variable
Dim Viewer

'Create a viewer object and view the report
Set Viewer = CreateObject("CrystalReports.CrystalReportInteractiveViewer")
With Viewer
.reportSource = reportDocument
.HasBooleanSearchButton = False
.HasCrystalLogo = False
If NbrParams > 0 then
.ParameterFields = Fields
End If
.HasRefreshButton = True
.IsDisplayGroupTree = False
.HasPrintButton = true
.PrintMode = 0 ' disable activeX Printing - .IsOwnPage = true
End With
Set Session("viewer") = Viewer
'call new page to display report - workaround

And viewprint.asp is:

option explicit
dim viewer
set viewer = session("viewer")
'Error handle
on error resume next
Viewer.ProcessHTTPRequest Request, Response, Session

if err.number <> 0 then
response.write "Failed to view report" & "</BR>"
response.write "error number: " & err.number & "</BR>"
response.write "error description: " & err.description
end if

See if it helps in your situation...


To Paraphrase:"The Help you get is proportional to the Help you give.."
I am passing parameters to my report and when I try your suggestion I get invalid parameter...

Here is the code I am using. I am trying to display the printer dialog box instead of displaying the report. I set the isdisplaypage property of the viewer to true and the report displays and the printer dialog box appears and you print and it works correctly. If I set the isdisplaypage to false the printer dialog box appears but when I try to print I get the error:

An communication error occurred. Printing will be stopped

Any suggestions with my code would be appreciated...


const crFieldValueTypeInt8sField = 0
const crFieldValueTypeInt8uField = 1
const crFieldValueTypeInt16sField = 2
const crFieldValueTypeInt16uField = 3
const crFieldValueTypeInt32sField = 4
const crFieldValueTypeInt32uField = 5
const crFieldValueTypeNumberField = 6
const crFieldValueTypeCurrencyField = 7
const crFieldValueTypeDateField = 9
const crFieldValueTypeTimeField = 10
const crFieldValueTypeStringField = 11
const crFieldValueTypeDateTimeField = 15
const crFieldValueTypeUnknownField = 255

If Session("IsReportServerRunning") Then
Call Session("crReportViewer").ProcessHttpRequest(Request, Response, Session)
Session("IsReportServerRunning") = True

Dim dbServer, dbDatabase, dbUser, dbPassword
dbServer = Session("ReportServerDataSource")
dbDatabase = Session("ReportServerDBDatabase")
dbUser = Session("ReportServerDBUserName")
dbPassword = Session("ReportServerDBPassword")

If Not IsObject(Session("crSessionManager")) Then
Set Session("crSessionManager") = Server.CreateObject("CrystalEnterprise.SessionMgr")
If Err Then Session("strMsg")="Cannot Create Crystal Enterprise Server component: SessionMgr"
End IF

If Not IsObject(Session("crEnterpriseSession")) Then
Set Session("crEnterpriseSession") = Session("crSessionManager").Logon(Session("ReportServerUserID"), Session("ReportServerPassword"), Session("ReportServerCMS"), Session("ReportServerAut"))
If Err Then Session("strMsg")="Cannot Connect User " + Session("ReportServerUserID") + " to Crystal Enterprise Server"
End IF

If Not IsObject(Session("crIStore")) Then
Set Session("crIStore") = Session("crEnterpriseSession").Service("", "InfoStore")
If Err Then Session("strMsg")="Cannot Create Crystal Enterprise Server component: InfoStore"
End IF

If Not IsObject(Session("crReportAppFactory")) Then
Set Session("crReportAppFactory") = Session("crIStore").EnterpriseSession.Service("", "RASReportFactory")
If Err Then Session("strMsg")="Cannot Create Crystal Enterprise Server component: RASReportFactory"
End IF

If Not IsObject(Session("crObjectFactory")) Then
Set Session("crObjectFactory") = Server.CreateObject("CrystalReports10.ObjectFactory.1")
If Err Then Session("strMsg")="Cannot Create Crystal Enterprise Server component: ObjectFactory.1"
End IF

'If Not IsObject(Session("crReportViewer")) Then
Set Session("crReportViewer") = Nothing
Set Session("crReportViewer") = Session("crObjectFactory").CreateObject("CrystalReports.CrystalReportViewer")
If Err Then Session("strMsg")="Cannot Create Crystal Enterprise Server component: CrystalReportViewer"

Dim reportID, reportDocument
reportID = GetReportID(Session("ReportServerReportName"),Session("ReportServerAppFolder"),Session("ReportServerREAFolder"))

If IsNull(reportID) Then
Response.Write "This report cannot be found on Crystal Server Enterprise. Please contact your network administrator.<BR>"
Response.Write "Report Name is " & "/" & Session("ReportServerAppFolder") & "/" & Session("ReportServerREAFolder") & "/" & Session("ReportServerReportName")
End IF

Set reportDocument = GetReportDocument(reportID)

If Session("strMsg")="" Then LaunchPageViewer reportDocument

End If

Function GetReportID(strReportName, strMainFolder, strSubFolder)

Dim result, mainFolderID, subFolderID

Set result = Session("crIStore").Query("Select SI_ID, SI_NAME From CI_INFOOBJECTS Where SI_PROGID='CrystalEnterprise.Folder' And SI_NAME = '" + strMainFolder + "'")
If result.ResultCount = 1 Then
mainFolderID = result.Item(1).ID
GetReportID = Null
Exit Function
End If

Set result = Session("crIStore").Query("Select SI_ID, SI_NAME From CI_INFOOBJECTS Where SI_PROGID='CrystalEnterprise.Folder' And SI_NAME = '" + strSubFolder + "' And SI_PARENT_FOLDER = " + cstr(mainFolderID))
If result.ResultCount = 1 Then
subFolderID = result.Item(1).ID
GetReportID = Null
Exit Function
End If

Set result = Session("crIStore").Query("Select SI_ID, SI_NAME From CI_INFOOBJECTS Where SI_PROGID='CrystalEnterprise.Report' And SI_NAME = '" + strReportName + "' And SI_INSTANCE = 0 And SI_PARENT_FOLDER = " + cstr(subFolderID))
If result.ResultCount = 1 Then
GetReportID = result.Item(1).ID
GetReportID = Null
Exit Function
End If
End Function

Function GetReportDocument(reportID)
Set GetReportDocument = Session("crReportAppFactory").OpenDocument(reportID)
End Function

Sub LaunchPageViewer(reportDocument)

' change the connection with the database for main report and subreports

For Each crTable In reportDocument.DatabaseController.Database.Tables
reportDocument.DatabaseController.SetTableLocationByServerDatabaseName crTable.Alias, dbServer, dbDatabase, dbUser, dbPassword

Dim crConnectionInfo
Set crConnectionInfo = reportDocument.DatabaseController.FindConnectionInfoByDBServerName(dbServer)

' loop all subreports and change the connection with database

Dim strSubs, strSubreportname, crDatabase, crTable

Set strSubs = reportDocument.SubreportController.QuerySubreportNames

For Each strSubreportname In reportDocument.SubreportController.QuerySubreportNames
Set crDatabase = reportDocument.SubreportController.GetSubreportDatabase(strSubreportname)

For Each crTable In crDatabase.Tables
crTable.ConnectionInfo = crConnectionInfo
crTable.ConnectionInfo.UserName = dbUser
crTable.ConnectionInfo.Password = dbPassword
reportDocument.SubreportController.SetTableLocation strSubreportname, crTable, crTable

'view the report in the viewer
Dim strReportExportName

With Session("crReportViewer")
.ReportSource = reportDocument.ReportSource
.IsOwnForm = True
.IsOwnPage = True
.PrintMode = 1
.IsDisplayPage = False
.IsDisplayGroupTree = False
End With

' pass the parameters to report and subreports

Dim crParamField, iParam, arraynb, iLngIndex

For iParam = 0 To Session("crReportViewer").ParameterFields.Count - 1
Set crParamField = Session("crReportViewer").ParameterFields.Item(iParam)

crParamField.AllowMultiValue = True
If InStr(Session("ReportServerParams")(iParam),",") <= 0 Then
Redim arraynb(1)
arraynb(0) = Session("ReportServerParams")(iParam)
End If

Select Case crParamField.Type
Case crFieldValueTypeNumberField:
For iLngIndex=0 To ubound(arraynb)
If arraynb(iLngIndex) <> "" Then
End If

Case crFieldValueTypeCurrencyField:
For iLngIndex=0 To ubound(arraynb)
Case crFieldValueTypeDateField:
For iLngIndex=0 To ubound(arraynb)

Case crFieldValueTypeDateTimeField:
For iLngIndex=0 To ubound(arraynb)

Case crFieldValueTypeStringField:
For iLngIndex=0 To ubound(arraynb)

Case Else
For iLngIndex=0 To ubound(arraynb)
End Select


Call Session("crReportViewer").ProcessHttpRequest(Request, Response, Session)
End Sub

Dim currentViewState

Set currentViewState = Request.Form("CrystalCompositeViewState")
'Response.Write "The current view state is: " & currentViewState

'If the view state exists, this is the first iteration of the code and so output the javascript to initiate the print control.
if currentViewState = "" then

<script language="javascript">
CrystalEvent("CrystalViewer", "tb=crprint");
// --> </script>

<% else

<script language="javascript">
// -->

<% end if %>

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