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Ampersand(&) Eqivalent in Visual Basic.

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Sep 25, 2000

Simple Question.

Can anyone tell me what the eqivalent command would be to use in VB for the Ampersand in VFP.

Not what I am looking for. Let me explain better.

In VFP if I had the following

cCounter = 0
dCounter = 0
eCounter = 0
oCounter = 0
TheLetters = "ECCDEO"
For cntr = 1 To Len(TheLetters)
Test = substr(TheLetters, cntr, 1)
If Test = "C" Or Test = "D" Or Test = "E" Or Test= "O"
cField = Test+"Counter"
&cField = &cField + 1
Next cntr

The new values would be
cCounter = 2
dCounter = 1
eCounter = 2
oCounter = 1

Visual Basic does not like the &. I need to treat the contents of the cField variable as a character string literal.

At first glance, I too thought he was asking for the VFP equivalent of VB's string concatenation (&). LOL

But I think he is asking for the VB equivalent of VFP's macro substitution (&).


IIRC, there is no exact correlation in VB of VFP's & command. That said, there are still ways of achieving the same result in VB, but you will have to code it differently.

Post the VFP code you are attempting to convert to VB and maybe we can assist you.
If you havent already, you may want to post this in the VB forum as well. Jon Hawkins

The World Is Headed For Mutiny,
When All We Want Is Unity. - Creed
That is correct I am looking for the equivalent of VFP's macro substitution (&). Sorry I did not explain it as such.

If you could tell me how to achieve the following in VB that would take care of the problem. Thanks for the HELP!

cCounter = 0
dCounter = 0
eCounter = 0
oCounter = 0
TheLetters = "ECCDEO"
For cntr = 1 To Len(TheLetters)
Test = substr(TheLetters, cntr, 1)
If Test = "C" Or Test = "D" Or Test = "E" Or Test= "O"
cField = Test+"Counter"
&cField = &cField + 1
Next cntr

Use a Case statment:

For cntr = 1 To Len(TheLetters)
    Test = Mid(TheLetters, cntr, 1)
    Select Case Test
        Case "C"
            cCounter = cCounter + 1
        Case "D"
            dCounter = dCounter + 1
        Case "E"
            eCounter = eCounter + 1
        Case "O"
            oCounter = oCounter + 1
        Case Else
    End Select
Next cntr

or use the IIF() function:

For cntr = 1 To Len(TheLetters)
    Test = Mid(TheLetters, cntr, 1)
    cCounter = IIf(Test = "C", cCounter + 1, cCounter)
    dCounter = IIf(Test = "D", dCounter + 1, dCounter)
    eCounter = IIf(Test = "E", eCounter + 1, eCounter)
    oCounter = IIf(Test = "O", oCounter + 1, oCounter)
Next cntr
Jon Hawkins

The World Is Headed For Mutiny,
When All We Want Is Unity. - Creed
Or you can use an Array
TheLetters = "ECCDEO"
Test4Chr = "CDEO"
lnArrayLen = len(TheLetters)
dimension laArray(lnArrayLen)
store 0 to laArray
for lnX = 1 To anLen
if substr(TheLetters,lnX, 1) $ Test4Chr
laArray[lnX] = laArray[lnX] +1
David W. Grewe
ICQ VFP ActiveList #46145644
Dont take this the wrong way, Dave, but a few comments about your post:

1. He needs VB syntax, not VFP.

2. Where did this variable (anLen) come from? Should it be lnArrayLen?

3. Even executing this code in VFP doesnt yield the correct result. The correct result would be an array with 4 elements; 2 elements equal to the value of 1 and 2 elements equal to the value of 2.
Your algorithm incorrectly dimensions the array to 6 and simply adds 1 to each element of the array, resulting in an array with 6 elements, all equal to the value of 1.

No offense. Jon Hawkins

The World Is Headed For Mutiny,
When All We Want Is Unity. - Creed
Dave how have you been you bugger er booger? Haven't talked to you or seen you on the ActiveList in a while. Hope everything is going good since last we chatted.

Sorry if posting a non code post offends anyone. :eek: John Durbin
MCP Visual FoxPro
ICQ VFP ActiveList #73897253
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