If I am understanding your question correctly you are looking for IPMT and PPMT which returns the interest payment and the principal payment respectively.
So how would I build that into a sheet? are those formulas in 2 seperate cells? And last, how do I make a change as I progress through the life of the loan?
This looks US specific, so I may not be able to help without more detail (being as I am from the UK). Could you elaborate and I can create the formulas for you....
I need a spreadsheet that shows the break down by month for a mortgage. So there should be 360 cells (12 months x 30 yrs) where principle and interest change as you progress down the sheet. i.e. high interest low principle to start and then the balance changes.
I have one at home that does this that I made for a class back in College. Email me privatly (WalkerGagh at hotmail.com) if you would like to see if that would work for you. Mike Wills
AS400 Programmer
I'm set at 640 x 480 and the scroll lock is off.
When I mouse down or page down the screen the slider moves but the screen is still at the top. This is a new one I've never seen that happen before.
Go to Window | Freeze Panes (or whever the opposite is). This should remove that. I had that set so I could see the top part and just scroll down the rest of the way.
Otherwise... A) set your resolution higher. B) Set your zoom to about 50% or so. Mike Wills
AS400 Programmer
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