This has been bothering me for weeks. I downloaded a techno password script. It has succeeded in the past in my other old pc. However, that pc crashed, I have to use the new one.
The new one somehow does not work on the script. When the password enters correctly, I will get this message context type-html. I don't know what's wrong! I have perl script on my D drive and have it #!d:/perl/bin/perl on the top of the script. I used personal web server before and worked , I have tried few other web server, still no good. Currently, I am trying to get mywebserver works. I was able to do a simple script but when I try to get the password script, none of them works...
Please help...
The new one somehow does not work on the script. When the password enters correctly, I will get this message context type-html. I don't know what's wrong! I have perl script on my D drive and have it #!d:/perl/bin/perl on the top of the script. I used personal web server before and worked , I have tried few other web server, still no good. Currently, I am trying to get mywebserver works. I was able to do a simple script but when I try to get the password script, none of them works...
Please help...