Using Access 2003(2000 format)
The Union query below provides the record source for a report that shows Celebrations (Birthdays, Wedding Anniversaries, and Kiwanis Anniversaries) for a month selected on a form.
What I want to do is change the piece of code in blue so that it calculates the # of Wedding Anniversary years as of the Wedding Anniversary day regardless of when in the month the report is printed.
The club secretary prints a report for the President early in the month. If the Wedding Anniversary date is later in the month than the date the report is printed, the # of years is one year less than it should reflect. (e.g. if a member's wedding anniversary date is July 28, 1980 and the report is printed today the # of years shown will be 28 whereas I want it to show 29).
The Union query below provides the record source for a report that shows Celebrations (Birthdays, Wedding Anniversaries, and Kiwanis Anniversaries) for a month selected on a form.
What I want to do is change the piece of code in blue so that it calculates the # of Wedding Anniversary years as of the Wedding Anniversary day regardless of when in the month the report is printed.
The club secretary prints a report for the President early in the month. If the Wedding Anniversary date is later in the month than the date the report is printed, the # of years is one year less than it should reflect. (e.g. if a member's wedding anniversary date is July 28, 1980 and the report is printed today the # of years shown will be 28 whereas I want it to show 29).
SELECT MemberID, LastName,PreferredName, DateOfBirth as TheDate, "Birthday" as DateType,Status,DateDiff("yyyy",[DateOfBirth],Date())+Int(Format(Date(),"mmdd")<Format([DateOfBirth],"mmdd")) As FixYears,Month(TheDate) As Month,Day([DateOfBirth]) as Day,Switch([Month]=1,"January",[Month]=2,"February",[Month]=3,"March",[Month]=4,"April",[Month]=5,"May",[Month]=6,"June",[Month]=7,"July",[Month]=8,"August",[Month]=9,"September",[Month]=10,"October",[Month]=11,"November",[Month]=12,"December") AS Sort
FROM tblMembers
WHERE (tblMembers.Status="Active" Or tblMembers.Status="Senior") And ([DateOfBirth] Is Not Null)
SELECT MemberID, LastName, PreferredName, WeddingAnniversary, "Wedding Anniversary",Status,[COLOR=blue]DateDiff("yyyy",[WeddingAnniversary],Date())+Int(Format(Date(),"mmdd")<Format([WeddingAnniversary],"mmdd")) AS FixWeddingAnniversaryYears,Month(WeddingAnniversary) As Month,Day([WeddingAnniversary]) as Day[/color],Switch([Month]=1,"January",[Month]=2,"February",[Month]=3,"March",[Month]=4,"April",[Month]=5,"May",[Month]=6,"June",[Month]=7,"July",[Month]=8,"August",[Month]=9,"September",[Month]=10,"October",[Month]=11,"November",[Month]=12,"December") AS Sort
FROM tblMembers
WHERE (tblMembers.Status="Active" Or tblMembers.Status="Senior") And ([WeddingAnniversary] Is Not Null)
UNION ALL SELECT MemberID, LastName, PreferredName, YearJoined, "Kiwanis Anniversary",Status,DateDiff("yyyy",[YearJoined],DateSerial(Year(Date()),9,30)) AS Sept30KiwanisAnniversary,Month(YearJoined) as Month,Day([YearJoined]) as Day,Switch([Month]=1,"January",[Month]=2,"February",[Month]=3,"March",[Month]=4,"April",[Month]=5,"May",[Month]=6,"June",[Month]=7,"July",[Month]=8,"August",[Month]=9,"September",[Month]=10,"October",[Month]=11,"November",[Month]=12,"December") AS Sort
FROM tblMembers
WHERE (tblMembers.Status="Active" Or tblMembers.Status="Senior") And ([YearJoined] Is Not Null)
ORDER BY Month, Day, DateType, LastName, PreferredName;