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alt tags for button

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Sep 12, 2001
I am trying to put alt tags for buttons. Tiltle and alt works in IE but not in netscape 4.0. is there any other way to alt tags for buttons, which will work in NS4.0

<Input type= button name=&quot;name of button&quot; value= &quot;button&quot;
title = &quot;alt tag for button&quot; >

<Input type= button name=&quot;name of button&quot; value= &quot;button&quot;
alt = &quot;alt tag for button&quot; >

above two types work in IE but not in NS4.0.

please help me .

try using images instead of buttons..
i guess alt won't work on anything but images (& may be layers) in netscrap

<input type=&quot;image&quot;>

but afaik thus button would submit your form.. am i wrong?
Thanx tuz,
actually there are problems using image , because it does not give the feel of button.are there any functionality which can provide the tags for button. if it does not exist, are there any documentations stating this?
hope you will help me out.
it does not give the feel of button why?
it gives the filling of what it look like.. make it look like a button..
are there any functionality which can provide the tags for button. if it does not exist, are there any documentations stating this?
stating what?
didn't got it :( what do you mean?
when you click button, on mousedown the button looks pressed, and onmouseup , it regains its original look.this how button looks.

another thing, is there any document , which says that in Netscape giving alt tags for button is not possible?
sorry for dissapearance.. (if i can say that way.. :)
so then define mousedown/up swapers for this image - it would work in ie & netscrap..

about alt.. wait a minute..
no'p can't find it.. but why do you need it? just try yourself, & if it won't work that would mean that netscrap #$%^&.. (just as allways..)

ya ,
u r write. this netscape is really.....
what you have suggested with images, i have tried it before , but when the data is large enough , ( that is html page cotains lot of data) then mouseup event doesn't work in netscape.
have to be working..
this way:

<img ... onmouseup=&quot;myfunction()&quot;>

you tryed the same way?

sorry, gotta go; till after week end.. Victor
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