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Alpha sorting an array?

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Feb 2, 2001
How can I do this?

I have an array that I want to be sorted alphabetically. Is there an easy way to do this or do you know of/have you written a function that'll do this?

There are a few traditional algorithms ( not that Al Gore has rhythm ) for performing such a sort, such as the bubble sort, etc. It would probably require slightly less code ( and would be a lot sexier ) to load the data into an XML Document object and then perform a select nodes with a sort applied.

Does anybody miss perl hash tables yet?

Does Jac or anyone have an example of loading the data into an XML document? I think the sort part in XML will be easy but I've never yet loaded data from VBScript code into an XML document....

Why not load the array into a disconnected recordset and sort?
We've been wanting to start using XML here, so I thought it would be a good chance to get my feet wet. I'm using a bubble sort for now, but am intrigued by the recordset idea as well, since I've never heard of doing that....
Here is an example of using a recordset to sort.

option explicit

Dim myArray
Dim rst
Dim s
Dim xitem

myArray = Array("Parke Kuntz", "Jane Doe", "Mary Smith", "John Cole", "May Abbot","John Doy", "Mary Scale")

' create a recordset
Set rst = createObject("ADODB.Recordset")

' create/append the fields to the recordset
rst.Fields.Append "fullname",129,50 'AD_Char = 129 and character length is 50
rst.Fields.Append "fname",129,50
rst.Fields.Append "lname",129,50

' open the recordset
' insert the array into the recordset
For Each xitem in myArray
rst.Fields("fullname") = xitem
' extract the first name from fullname
rst.Fields("fname") = Left(rst.Fields("fullname"), Instr(rst.fields("fullname")," ") -1)
' extract the last name from fullname
rst.Fields("lname") = Right(rst.Fields("fullname"), (Len(rst.Fields("fullname"))-Instr(rst.Fields("fullname")," ")))

' choose the field to sort on
rst.Sort = "lname"

s = "sorted by last name"
Do until rst.EOF
s = s & vbcrlf & rst.Fields("fullname")

msgbox s

s = "sorted by first name"
' choose the order of the fields you want to sort on
rst.Sort = "fname, lname"
Do until rst.EOF
s = s & vbcrlf & rst.Fields("fullname")

msgbox s

Hope this helps,

Wow, not to be argumentative or disrespectful to anyone. But isn't both of those methods (XML and RS) a waste of server cycles?

I just don't understand why anyone would go to such lengths as to spawn new processes to sort an array in a production environment.

I would use the bubbleSort, XML and ADO have their places and IMHO, this isn't it.

Fo the XML method I am guessing you would have to actually create 2 instances of The MSXML parser. One for the DOM and one for the XSL transform that will actually perform the sort.

Just my 2 cents.

If all that was wanted was a simple sort, I would agree with you. With recordsets, one can sort on different columns by priority simply by filling in .sort = "field1, field2,field3..." This is the second sort. Doing this is more difficult using sorting routines.
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