A lot of employees have become familiar with my manager password and have been using it without permission. I don't want to use the fingerprint scanner because I hate sitting there for ten seconds while it tries five times to recognize my thumb. I want to use mag cards because it's a quick swipe, but I don't want to pay for the actual cards. I've gotten around buying the cards by actually using my AAA member card. I figured out the number on the card by swiping it in the FOH terminal under the VISA payment screen (the number shows up where the CC number normally displays). I then went into the BOH computer to put in the mag card password for myself and manually typed the number from the card into the dialog box. This is where I run into issues. There is no "OK" button on the dialog button for me to press, and when I just hit ENTER on my keyboard it says "Bad card read". This makes me think that you need a mag card reader on the BOH computer in order to use mag cards on the FOH computer. Does anyone know a way of inputting the mag card password without shelling out the cash for a mag card reader? Thanks.